
  1. 三峡永久船闸输水廊道水动力学特性研究

    Hydrodynamic study on water-filling tunnel of the Three Gorges Lock

  2. 舟山群岛峡道水动力及沉积特性

    The characteristics of hydro-dynamics and sediments in the strait channels of Zhoushan Islands area

  3. 黄土高原丘陵沟壑区沟道水资源利用模式初探

    On the Application Model of Gully Water Resources in Hilly Region of Loess Plateau

  4. 最危险的是风暴潮,它会在飓风登陆处形成一道水墙,横扫海岸线。

    Most dangerous is the storm surge , a wall of water that sweeps across the coastline where hurricane makes landfall .

  5. 三个孩子走下小船,蹬着水&不是朝波浪走去,而是朝南走,那道水墙在他们左面。

    The children got out of the boat and waded - not towards the wave but southward with the wall of water on their left .

  6. 当我观察这只奇怪动物的时候,两道水和汽从它的鼻孔吐出来,直喷到叫十米的高度,

    While I was observing this phenomenal creature , two jets of steam and water sprang from its blowholes and rose to an altitude of forty meters ,

  7. 在数字流域中,将流域水沙过程概化为坡面产流产沙、沟坡区重力侵蚀、沟道水沙运动及河道水沙输运四部分。

    In Digital Watershed Model , this process is generalized into four parts , water and sediment yield models for hill-slopes , gravitational erosion model for gully ares , and discharge routing and sediment transport model for rill and channel .

  8. 分散输水系统船闸出水孔段廊道的水工模型缩尺影响

    Scale effect of lock culvert manifold in hydraulic model

  9. 洞道式水产品烘干房的热量衡算

    Heat balance in tunnel driers for fishery products

  10. 马己仙峡道食水抽水站

    Magazine Gap Road Fresh Water Pumping Station

  11. 冬天的严寒也是如此,因为那个时候,一位拓荒者回忆道,水必须先解冻。

    So did the cold of winter , for then , recalled one pioneer , water had to be thawed .

  12. 结果表明,渡槽内是否有水,以及部分槽道有水对结构整体的动位移均有一定影响。

    Based on dynamic finite element method , the earthquake resistance capability and the earthquake displacement of the aqueduct structure are studied .

  13. 缸盖火力面、喷油器安装孔和排气道周围水腔冷却良好。

    The water-jacket around the fire power face of the cylinder head , the fuel injector hole and the exhaust passage was fully cooled .

  14. 蒲峪金矿沟道地表水、沉积物、土壤、植物等受重金属污染影响较大,亟需治理与恢复。

    The channel surface water , sediments , soil and vegetation are suffering serious heavy metal pollution and in urgent need of management and repair .

  15. 天使又指示我在城内街道当中一道生命水的河,明亮如水晶,从神和羔羊的宝座流出来。

    And he shewed me a pure river of water of life , clear as crystal , proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb .

  16. 一种由柔软而灵便的材料制成的东西,如棉、橡胶等材料,以嵌入耳道挡住水或声音的进入。

    An object made of a soft , pliable material , such as cotton or rubber , and fitted into the ear canal to block the entry of water or sound .

  17. 打个比喻,人民就象水一样,各级领导者,就象游水的一样,你不要离开水,你要顺那个水,不要道那个水。

    Metaphorically speaking , the people are like water and the leaders at various levels are like swimmers who must stay in the water and swim with the current , not against it .

  18. 在神国的时候,我们被告知:“天使又指示我在城内街道当中一道生命水的河,明亮如水晶,从神和羔羊的宝座流出来”(启示录22:1)。

    Of the Kingdom age we are told : " And he showed me a pure river of water of life , clear as crystal , proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb . "( Rev . 22:1 ) .

  19. 幸存矿工后来对电视记者叙述道,随着水不断涌入,受困矿工沿着V型巷道的斜坡争先跑向高处,另一些人则从水面上游到安全的地方。

    As the water poured in , the trapped miners scrambled for higher ground , up the incline of the v-shaped shaft , survivors later told television reporters .

  20. 采用电化学阻抗谱(EIS)方法研究了环氧涂层的厚度与涂装道数对水传输行为的影响。

    The diffusion behavior of water through epoxy coatings as a function of the film thickness and the painting number was studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) techniques .

  21. 斑块、廊道、滨水&居住区绿地景观生态规划

    Greenbelt and Ecology-Landscape Design in Residential Area & Patch Corridor and Waterside

  22. 内部通道有主机油道和冷却水通道。

    The inner channel has host oilchannels and the cooling water channel .

  23. 但是她无法进去,因为果园被一道满是水的深壕围住了。

    But she could not get inside , for there it was surrounded by water .

  24. 河流廊道生态需水的计算方法主要有分项合成法和整体耦合法。

    As for corridor ecological water demand , the methods include issue_composed method and integrity_coupled method .

  25. 胃肠道磁共振水成像方法研究

    Magnetic resonance hydrography of gastrointestinal tract

  26. 埋地热油管道停输温降的大型环道测试分析水下热油管道停输温降过程的数值模拟

    Large-scale Flow Loop Experiment and Analysis on Temperature Drop of Buried Hot Oil Pipeline after Shutdown

  27. 他对那个人吼道:“水,你别想从我这里要到水!”

    He roared at the man : " water ! You 'll get no water from me !"

  28. 研制了柴油机活塞成型冷却油道的新型水溶芯。

    Investigation was made on the water dissolved core of piston of internal combustion engine cooling oil groove .

  29. 黄土高原地区沟道工程的水保作用与防洪功效

    Analysis of Soil and Water Conservation Function and Flood Control Effect of Gully Dam in the Region of Loess Plateau

  30. 对于整个流域生态需水的估算,可分为河道外生态需水和河流廊道生态需水两部分。

    For ecological water demand of the entire basin , it can be estimated by two parts , which are off_stream and river corridor ecological water demand .