
dào dé jīng
  • Dao De Jing: The Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
道德经 [dào dé jīng]
  • [ Dao De Jing of Laozi] 书名,即《老子》,我国古代重要的哲学著作

  1. 田甚芜,仓甚虚。(《道德经》)

    The field is overgrown with weeds and the barn is empty .

  2. 无为而无不为。(《道德经》)

    Do nothing and everything is done .

  3. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗;圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。(《道德经》)

    If heaven and earth are ruthless , they treat the myriad creatures as straw dogs ; if the sage is ruthless , he treats the people as straw dogs .

  4. 《道德经》中有着丰富的贵生、养生思想。

    There were very rich thoughts of health preserving in Daodejing .

  5. 《道德经》是中华古文明的结晶。

    Tao Te Ching is the crystallization of ancient Chinese civilization .

  6. 现在你可以向我鼓吹你的道德经。

    Now you can preach all your morals to me .

  7. 儒道元典中的身心和谐思想&以《道德经》和《论语》为例

    Physical and Mental Harmony Ideologies in Tao Te Ching and the Analects

  8. 《道德经》为道教始祖老子唯一传世的著作。

    The tao-te handed down for the first Taoist books .

  9. 试析《道德经》对武术套路教练员专业素质培养的启示

    Analysis on Dao-De-Jing for Wushu Routine Coaches Specialized Quality Development

  10. 论理雅各《道德经》译本的翻译策略

    On Translation Strategies of James Legge 's Tao Te Ching

  11. 《道德经》诗美辨析

    Analyze On the Poem 's Beauty Of Tao Te Ching

  12. 老子《道德经》是中国古代思想史上的一座丰碑。

    " The moral " is a monument of ancient intellectual history .

  13. 因为人是不平等的,所以才有正义一说。(老子《道德经》)

    For men are not equal : thus speaks justice .

  14. 老子在《道德经》中建立了以“道”作为最高范畴的哲学思想体系。

    In Daode Jing , Laozi established a philosophy centered on Dao .

  15. 十种《道德经》英译本的描述性研究

    A Descriptive Study of the Ten English Versions of Tao Te Ching

  16. 难道你现在要和我讲道德经吗

    You 're going to play morality police with me right now ?

  17. 文化的反思:《道德经》三译本研究

    Cultural Reflections : Comparative Studies on Three English Versions of Tao Te Ching

  18. 这篇道德经一般人称之谓大顺。

    This chapter of Tao Te Ching is usually being called Great Conformity .

  19. 古老的《道德经》蕴含着完善的生态智慧和人文精神。

    Lao Tze 's philosophy contains the perfect ecosystem intelligence and the humanities spirit .

  20. 他写的《道德经》被译成许多种不同的文字。

    The book , Tao Te Ching , has been translated into many languages .

  21. 逆反思维与直觉思维是《道德经》中具有代表性的思维方式。

    Converse thinking and intuitive thinking are the two representive ones in Tao Te Ching .

  22. 他的《道德经》是中国文学作品中最伟大的经典著作之一。

    His work Tao Te Ching is one of the greatest classics of Chinese literature .

  23. 从功能翻译理论的角度分析《道德经》翻译多样性

    On Translation Diversity of Dao De Jing from the Perspective of the Functionalist Translation Theory

  24. 从接受理论视角看《道德经》在英美的翻译

    The Translation of Tao Te Ching in Britain and America : A Perspective of Reception Theory

  25. 斯蒂芬·米切尔《道德经》英译本读者接受研究

    A Research on Readers ' Reception of Stephen Mitchell 's English Translation of Dao De Jing

  26. 除了是中国哲学的宝贵遗产外,《道德经》还是道家的经典著作。

    It is the classics of Taoism in addition to the precious heritage of Chinese philosophy .

  27. 从翻译规范看《道德经》的两个英译本

    An Analysis of Two English Versions of Tao Te Ching from the Perspective of Norms Theory

  28. 《道德经》是中国古代的一部经典著作,为道家哲学思想的重要来源。

    Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese classic , as a vital source of Taoist philosophy .

  29. 上德若谷上善若水&老子《道德经》之道德修养标准

    Morality as Noble as Valley and Water & Ethical Standard of Classic of the Virtue of Laozi

  30. 《道德经》尊道重德蕴涵的心理健康思想

    The Thought of Psychological Health Implied in Respecting Truth and Stressing Morality in Dao De Jing of Laozi