
  1. 道与德弄清楚后,他们才去讨论仁义;

    They did not discuss benevolence and righteousness until made clear Tao and virtue .

  2. 道与德俱失,“仁”才会出现在人类社会之中来替补道德之不足。

    When both Tao and virtue are gone , benevolence appears in society to make up for the loss of Tao and virtue .

  3. 传统道德乃是道与德两个词的缀合。

    Traditional morality is an amalgamation of the two words Dao and De. Dao is the origination and the internal rules of all the things .

  4. 论现代设计思想中的道与德&《道德经》与现代设计审美观念对比

    On Tao and De ( moral character ) in the Modern Idea of Designing & A comparison between Laozi 's Dao De Jing and the aesthetic conception of modern designing

  5. 四是教育目的、内容、方法都围绕道与德展开,提出了丰富的道德修养方法,促进教育者身心和谐地发展。

    The fourth was to put forward educational purposes , content , methods to start around the moral , presenting a wealth of education and moral cultivation methods to promote the development of physical and mental harmony .

  6. 所以,从前真正了解明白道的贤者,他们都是先观察自然,了解自然,然后再去研究讨论道与德;

    Hence , the ancient sages who really understood Tao , observed and learned the Nature first , and then they discussed and studied Tao and virtue .