- Containment strategy;strategy of containment

Whatever Washington might say about partnership , its regional alliance-building , notably with India , and a provocative series of US military exercises smacked of a strategy of containment .
American economic diplomacy in the third world is the essential part of its strategy of containment during the Cold War . However , the scholars in China have not yet paid enough attention to the above-mentioned problems .
The American Economic Containment Strategy and the High Technology Transfer Restrictions
A Revisit of U.S.Strategy of Containment and Cold War Studies
The debt-containment strategy should include far-reaching tax reform .
An initial analysis on U.S. strategy of beyond containment
The Containment Strategy of the United States in East Asia during the Cold War
The foreign policies of Truman Administration were formulated under the guidance of Containment strategy .
Containment is the core of the American national security strategy in the Cold War .
But America 's ability to sustain a dual containment strategy is an open question .
After the Cold War broke out , the U.S. containment strategy was gradually formulated and established .
The economic factors exerted important influence on the USA 's containment strategy during the Cold War .
Section two , the national security strategy in U.S. expectation : 1 . the Beyond Containment Strategy ;
The essence of the newly containment policy is a strategy that synthesizes the soft hard tactics strengthen together .
Chapter I discusses the shape of Truman Administration 's Containment Strategy to Sovietis affecting the independence of U.S.Air Force .
The strategy was primarily aimed at the Soviet Union , but also including at China and other socialist countries .
Secondly , It is analyzed the function of the newly containment policy utilized by the American Reagan government on Soviet Union .
The American economic containment strategy of the 1950 60s stressed , in the main , embargo on exports of strategic materials .
One of the objectives of the American contain strategy was to prevent the development of the traditional trade between China and Japan .
US foreign policy towards the Third World in the Kennedy-Johnson period served US global containment strategy and the policy goal of containing China .
He treated China as one part of a Communist bloc and there was no differentiation in his approaches toward the Soviet Union and China .
As long as the US-Australia military agreement is not the first building block in a rigid containment strategy , China need not feel threatened .
In east Asia , the US pivot is seen as containment and the two are locked in what he says is a zero-sum game .
Because of ideology and the containment policy carried out by the United States , the relationship between China and ASEAN had been abnormal for a long time .
China became the American main rival in East Asia , the Americans engaged in a contain strategy in East Asia after the Outburst of the Korean War .
The domino theory has directed all the presidents of the United States in foreign-policy making process during the Cold War . It has been the cornerstone of American global containment strategy .
This part indicates that the " low intensity warfare " strategy is the new development stage of the containment strategy , and it is still a strategy of struggling for global hegemony in the essence .
San Francisco Treaty of Peace with Japan was one of the important steps by the US to construct the line of defense along the coast of the west-Pacific Ocean and to carry out the strategy of Cold War .
There were two key reasons that caused this significant change . Since American East Asia containment strategy had changed Japan 's trade structure in postwar Asia , Sino-Japan trade was not so important as before for Japan 's economic development .
According to containment strategy , the Eisenhower administration has inherited and developed Truman administration 's Vietnamese policy , realized the radical change of this policy , and formed a policy which followed and served its cold war policy and the global strategy .