
luó ji jù fǎ
  • logical syntax
  1. 同时把一切哲学问题看作是语言的逻辑句法问题,促使哲学发展中语言学转向的完成。

    Meanwhile , seeing all philosophical questions as those of logical syntax completed the linguistic turn in the development of philosophy .

  2. 在维特根斯坦的影响下,他坚持逻辑句法的讨论绝不涉及语言的意义。

    Affected by Wittgenstein , Carnap insists that a proposition : the discussion on logical syntax will not involve the meaning of language .

  3. 他提出的逻辑句法方法使对形式语言的研究进入了新时期,通过对分析性概念的定义使对逻辑真理的认识更加深入;

    The method of logical syntax which he developed signed a new phase of the study of formal language . The knowledge of Logic truth is extended by the definition of the concept of analyticity .

  4. 类型&逻辑语法的句法特色

    On the Syntactic Characteristics of Type-Logical Grammar

  5. 本文是在转换生成语法的理论框架下讨论英语疑问词移位和汉语疑问词原位这两类现象在逻辑形式、句法或语义上的异同。

    The comparison and analysis of English wh-movement and Chinese wh-in-situ in this dissertation is carried out within the framework of TG Grammar .

  6. 摹状词理论强调的是一阶逻辑语言的句法,日常语言的句法是它批判的对象。

    What the theory of descriptions emphasized is the syntax of first-order logical language , and what it criticized is the syntax of ordinary language .

  7. 本文从形式语言学的逻辑式、句法层、赋格论等角度对这一现象作了深入的解析。

    Based on previous explorations , on this topic this paper further explicates this issue by means of logical representation , parse tree , and case-assigning theory .

  8. 海事英语中,船舶保险合同是以共核英语为基础的,具有法律英语共同特点的语言,但它同时也有一整套自己独有的核心术语、逻辑严密的句法结构和成分扩展。

    In maritime English , the English Hull Insurance Clauses are based on common core English with the common features among law English , but it has also a full set of its particular terms and logically and closely tied sentence structures , and etc. .

  9. 我们在词特征集、词性特征集等传统特征集的基础上,根据生物医学文献的特点开发出了逻辑特征集和句法特征集。

    Based on the traditional word features and pos features , the logic features and the syntactic features have been developed according to the literature characters .

  10. 符号逻辑的运用,使逻辑句法呈现出明显的形式化特征。

    Since the introduction of symbolic logic , logical syntax clearly shows formal feature .

  11. 本文着重讨论和辨析了现代逻辑系统的一些基本概念,如演绎有效性,真与可靠性,逻辑系统的句法,逻辑系统的语义,逻辑系统的元逻辑,等等。

    This paper is concentrated on the clarification of some essential concepts of systematic logic , such as deductive validity , truth , soundness , syntax , semantics , and the meta-theory or meta-logic of a logic system .