
zào lín miàn jī
  • afforestation area
  1. 2001年全国造林面积完成529.9万公顷,占计划的107.6%。

    In 2001 , the afforestation area in the whole country is 5.299 million hectares , accounting for 107.6 % of the plan .

  2. 影响全国营造林面积核实率的原因分析及对策

    Reason Analysis and Countermeasures on Influencing the Area Checked Percentage about Nation-wide Afforestation Area

  3. 调查结果表明3a后造林面积保存率达100%,造林株数保存率达80%以上,生长状况优良。

    The survey result showed that the preserving rate of the areas reached 100 % after 3 years , and the preserving rate of the plants reached 80 % , the growth condition performed well .

  4. 中国人工造林面积居世界首位。

    China 's afforested area comes first in the world .

  5. 注:全国合计造林面积中包括军事管理区100000公顷人工营造的防护林。

    Note : Total area of afforestation include 100000 hectares of planted protection forests .

  6. 然而,我国森林病虫害总的发生又随着人工造林面积的持续增长而不断地上升。

    With the artificial afforestation area continues to grow , forest diseases and pests is always in upward trend .

  7. 加快国土绿化进程,增加森林碳汇,新增造林面积不低于8880万亩。

    We will accelerate afforestation , increase forest carbon sinks and expand our forests by at least 5.92 million hectares .

  8. 山区完成宜林山地造林面积10万公顷,山区林木覆盖率达到70%。山中无直树,世上无完人。

    100,000 hectare 's forest will be increased in the mountainous area to realize 70 % forest coverage in the mountainous area . Nothing is perfect .

  9. 人工造林面积、森林覆盖率和林业用地面积平稳上升,但四旁植树株数下降幅度较大。

    The area of artificial forestation , forest cover rate and forestry land were increasing steadily , but trees along the road and field were reducing greatly .

  10. 然而,随着杉木造林面积的扩大,越来越多的杉木林更新是在1代或多代杉木林采伐迹地上进行的。

    But , along with an enlargement of the area in C. lanceolata plantations , replanting is increasing on sites where one or more rotations of C. lanceolata have been harvested .

  11. 目前城市多采用客土绿化,成本高、维持费用大,影响了造林面积,林地缺乏。

    Now cities afforest using soil moved into improve the original , the cost and the cost of maintenance are both high , the proportion of forestation is affected , and woodland is hard up .

  12. 陕西妇女牛玉琴带领全家苦战14年,治沙造林面积达4万亩,荣获联合国颁发的拉奥博士奖。

    Shaanxi woman Niu Yuqin led her whole family made efforts for 14 years to planted trees on 40,000 mu of deserts . She has received the Y. S. Rao Award issued by the United Nations .

  13. 随着我国植树造林面积的不断扩大和木材科学与技术水平的不断提高,科学地评价木材材质和材性的优劣,将是我国林业科学亟待解决的重大课题之一。

    Along with the expansion of our country 's forestation area and the improvement of the lumber science and technical level , it is one of the important issues which will be solved urgently for our country forestry science to evaluate the wood quality and wood properties scientifically .

  14. 黄土高原主要造林树种集流面积的确定

    Determination of the Areas of Gathering Water for Main Tree Species on the Loess Plateau

  15. 航空相片在造林基地设计和面积验收中的应用

    Application of Aerophotograph in Design of Forestation Base and Its Area Estimation

  16. [农民:我们在签订协议,造林的地点、面积、树种、劳务标准等]?

    Beneficiary : we are signing agreement on forestation sites , area , species , labor payment standard , etc.

  17. 最后,在全面搜集承德市相关资料的基础上,确定五种影响因素:匹配荒山造林、人工造林、林地面积、退稻还旱、关停企业做为补偿资金分配的权重指标。

    At last , basis on a comprehensive collection of the relevant information in Chengde city , identify five factors : " Match afforestation , Plantation , Forest area , Converting paddy field to dry farming land , Shutting down businesses ," as the weight distribution of compensation funds .