
  • 网络Beyond;The Passing Days
  1. 等待已经逝去的日子,爱的种子只会发芽,不会盛开。

    The seed of love only sprouted but didn 't flourish .

  2. 不要回头看逝去的日子

    Don 't give the vanished days a backward look

  3. 一场感怀往事的散步总会勾起动情的言语,让人谈起那些逝去的日子,还有未知的将来。

    A trip down memory lane always ignites heartfelt conversations about days gone by and what waits in the future .

  4. 曾经的经历会让你充满爱的回忆,你或许会对那些逝去的日子多少有一些留恋。

    The experience will fill you with fond memories and perhaps make you a bit wistful for days gone by .

  5. 再见了,我的大学,逝去的日子,还有那些一去不返的美好回忆

    Farewell , my college life , bygone days and those wonderful memories that have gone and will never be back again

  6. 在那逝去的往昔日子里,我所熟悉的小镇杰克逊的夫人太太,也就是我左邻右舍的小朋友的母亲们,大都在热心社交时最为忙碌。

    In that vanished time in small-town jackson , most of the ladies I was familiar with , the mothers of my friends in the neighborhood were busiest when they were sociable .

  7. 昨天是梅格离去的周年纪念日。过去的一年已经逝去,新的日子已经开始。

    Yesterday marked the annivresary of Meg 's death . A year has passed . A new era8 ) has begun .