
tōng dú
  • read through;read over( through);read and understand
通读 [tōng dú]
  • (1) [read over(或 through)]∶把书籍或文章从头到尾阅读一遍

  • (2) [read and understand]∶阅读并且理解意思

通读[tōng dú]
  1. 他把手稿通读了一遍,并在不同意的地方标了记号。

    He read through the manuscript and marked it up with his objections .

  2. 因此,应当访问API站点并通读文档。

    For that , you should go to the API site and read through the documentation .

  3. 通读全文,画出你认为最有用的段落。

    Read the text through and mark off the sections you find particularly applicable .

  4. 建议大家通读一下这篇文章。

    A through reading of this article is commended .

  5. 他通读了这本书。

    He read the book from cover to cover .

  6. 在回到夏威夷也就是我出生的州的途中,我尝试阅读了《没有个性的人》,但收获较少:我通读了四分之一卷,然后觉得自己肯定已经了解了书的重点,就跑去游泳了。

    Attempting " The Man Without Qualities " on a return to Hawaii , my native state , however , was less fruitful : I made it through one and a quarter volumes , then decided that I 'd got the point and went swimming instead .

  7. 有些设计师会通读手稿,除非那是一本数学教材。

    Some designers also read the full manuscript . Unless it 's a math textbook .

  8. CT:抓紧下载,安装它并通读文档,并从我们已经发布的简单快速指南开始。

    CT : Grab the download , install it , read through the docs , and take a look at the simple quick starts we shipped .

  9. 硒代半胱氨酸通读效率的研究及含硒GST在大肠杆菌中的表达

    The Read-through Efficiency of Selenocysteine and Expression of Selenocysteine-containing GST in Escherichia Coli

  10. 我对使用此API的最后一点建议是通读相关文档并花些时间来阅读所提供的全部可用函数。

    My final recommendation when working with the API is to read through the documentation and spend some time reading all the available functions offered .

  11. 利用绿色荧光蛋白报告基因定量测定escherichiacoli中UGA密码子的通读效率

    Quantitative Analysis of the Read-through Efficiency of UGA in Escherichia Coli with Green Fluorescent Protein

  12. c中,在我的版本中,我吧注释去掉了,但是在你们的版本中是有注释的,这是相当容易理解的,如果你通读这段代码。

    C I 've stripped out the comments in my version but in your version you do have comments for reference and it 's actually pretty self-explanatory if you just read through the code .

  13. cURL实用程序有很多选项,最好通读它的手册页。

    The cURL utility has so many options , it 's best to read over its lengthy man page .

  14. 通读全书,作者将每一项技术都链接到PSI。

    Throughout the book , the authors link each technique back to the PSIs that the technique influences .

  15. 艾希曼战后在阿根廷藏身时写了大量回忆录和其他文件。斯坦尼思在通读这些资料时发现了他写的一大段笔记,这段笔记驳斥了伊曼努尔·康德(ImmanuelKant)的道德哲学,与阿伦特所谓的“没有思考能力”的艾希曼形象截然相反。

    Then , while reading through the voluminous memoirs and other testimony Eichmann produced while in hiding in Argentina after the war , Ms. Stangneth came across a long note he wrote , dismissing the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant , that flew in the face of Arendt 's notion of Eichmann 's " inability to think . "

  16. 第二,在你标记任何东西之前通读全文。

    Second , read a whole paragraph before you mark anything .

  17. 无线通读设备,因其尽在使用者的盈盈一握而得名。

    Wireless devices that the user can hold in his hand .

  18. 在通读原著时,应注意克服学术上的片面性。

    It should overcome academic one-sidedness while reading their original work .

  19. 通读这本书将会花费你整整。

    It will cost you a whole to read through this book .

  20. 大家可以去通读那本手册。

    Again , you can read the whole thing here .

  21. 在发送之前没花额外的时间通读你的邮件。

    Not reading through your email an extra time before hitting send .

  22. 他放下笔,通读了一遍他写完的东西。

    He set his pen aside and read over what he had written .

  23. 坐在那通读一篇报纸或一本杂志。

    A newspaper or magazine from front to back .

  24. 先通读一下这篇短文,然后告诉我哪一个答案是正确的。

    Read the passage first and then tell me which answer is true .

  25. 通读和回复这些邮件,花了我2小时48分钟。

    Reading through and replying to these took two hours and 48 minutes .

  26. 通读它们的描述并深思你是否拥有它们。

    Read through their descriptions and think deeply about whether you possess them .

  27. 相信大家已经领会了这篇文章的本旨。建议大家通读一下这篇文章。

    I believe that everyone has grasped the main idea of this article .

  28. 而少数书则应认真细致地通读。

    and some few to be read wholly , and with diligence and attention .

  29. 网络通读系统技术的实现

    Systematic Technique of Electric Network News Dispatch Realization

  30. 我们通读了这份开创性的报告,并摘录出其中关于幸福最有意思的发现。

    We read through the groundbreaking report and pulled the most interesting findings about happiness .