
  • 网络Popular Music;pop music;musica fic-ta
  1. 近观当代通俗音乐的文化特征

    Close View on the Culture Characteristics of the Contemporary Popular Music

  2. 通俗音乐的美学范畴及文化属性

    The Aesthetic Category and Cultural Attribute of Popular music

  3. 当代通俗音乐的社会文化内涵解读

    Cultural and Economic Connotation of Pop Music in Neo - culture

  4. 通俗音乐的本质是独创。

    The name of the game in pop music is originality .

  5. 一些歌迷认为她已向主流通俗音乐屈服了。

    Some fans thought she 'd sold out to mainstream pop music .

  6. 和通俗音乐比起来我更喜欢古典音乐。

    I much prefer classic music to pop music .

  7. 通俗音乐和杂志这种适合青少年的文化。

    The teenage culture of pop music and magazines .

  8. 通俗音乐可能引起你的兴趣。但它却使我失去胃口。

    Pop music may turn you on , but it turns me off .

  9. 企业管理的常识&激励论通俗音乐的美学意义

    Common sense : management and motivation On the Aesthetic Significance of of Common Music

  10. 论现代通俗音乐的技术化特征

    On the Technical Character of Modern Popular Music

  11. 我的大学联谊会发起一整天的通俗音乐乐队演出,募捐20000美元。

    My college fraternity raised '2,000 by sponsoring an all-day battle of the bands .

  12. 学习摇摆乐的和声方法,将对我们开阔眼界、发展我国通俗音乐创作有所助益。

    Swing-Jazz helps us widen our horizon and develop the composition of pop-music in our country .

  13. 现代通俗音乐的风格

    The idiom of modern popular music

  14. 从音乐行为和音乐观念两方面来看,通俗音乐自有其独特的审美意义。

    From the aspect of musical behavior and musical concept , common music has its unique aesthetic significance .

  15. 到通俗音乐厅的流行歌曲。流行歌曲明星演奏流行音乐。

    To the popular songs and tunes of the common music hall . A pop group plays pop music .

  16. 当代语境中通俗音乐、流行音乐、通俗唱法概念的使用与分析

    The Use and analysis of demotic music , popular music , singing art for popular music in the contemporary context

  17. 对于普通高校音乐欣赏教学的内容的梳理和论证工作也显得非常重要,我们首先应本着在所选择的音乐作品中的内容与形式统一的原则,选择涉及从古到今、中外各时期包括通俗音乐的内容。

    It is also very important to coordinate and demonstrate the teaching content of Music listening teaching for the common high school students .

  18. 当代青少年偏爱流行通俗音乐,这与年龄特征和时代社会背景有关。

    In modern times , teenagers have a preference for popular music , which has something to do with the age characteristic and time background .

  19. 英语是书籍和报刊出版、科学技术、广告与通俗音乐以及信息储存的主要世界语言。

    English is one of the main languages used in books , newspapers , science and technology , advertisements , pop music and information storage .

  20. 古典音乐和当代音乐,严肃音乐和通俗音乐,德国音乐,俄罗斯音乐和世界各国的音乐,所有乐器的乐谱。

    Classical and contemporary music , serious and entertainment music , music frOm Germany , Russia and all over the world , sheet music for all instruments .

  21. 该校通俗音乐学院院长杨士春解释说,艺术院校聘请明星当教授是艺术院校的专业特点决定的。

    However , Yang Shichun , pop music department head of the college , said hiring stars to teach is decided by the specialty of the conservatory .

  22. 是将美国黑人音乐、民间音乐及通俗音乐融进钢琴艺术的一次非常成功的具有开创性的尝试。

    It is aninitiative and successful attempt to blend the American music of the Black people , folk music , and pop music into the art of the piano .

  23. 通俗音乐作为社会文化的一部分,已充分融入到社会文化结构当中,并以独特的审美意义影响和丰富着大众的生活。

    The popular music has blended into the social culture as part of it , resulting in great influence and enrichment of people 's life by its unique esthetic significance .

  24. 文章通过解读流行通俗音乐的文化内涵,揭示其与青少年音乐偏爱的关系,指出音乐教育工作者要引导青少年崇尚严肃音乐。

    By expatiating the cultural connation of popular music , this paper shows its relationship with teenagers ' music preference and points out that music educators should lead teenagers to advocate serious music .

  25. 但调查显示,世界上大部分受过教育的高端人士都喜欢古典音乐,而在中国大多数年轻学生和民工都喜欢通俗音乐。

    Nevertheless , statistics show that most of the well-educated or high profile people in the world prefer the classic , while most of the young students and migrant workers in China like the popular .

  26. 直至他的末日,他也这样安慰自己:认为他的思辨乃是最高的音乐艺术,而且不相信梦神对他暗示的是指“平凡的通俗音乐。”

    Almost to the end he remained confident that his philosophy represented the highest art of the muses , and would not fully believe that a divinity meant to remind him of " common , popular music . "

  27. 从体式和内容方面探讨了韦庄词所具有的用韵灵活、句式参差、词调风格、内容通俗等音乐特征。

    This paper discusses from the aspects of style and content that there are such musical features as flexible use of rhymes , uneven sentences , style of tonal patterns and rhyme schemes , popular contents and etc.

  28. 80年代以来,中国通俗流行音乐得到了空前发展,歌词现象已经作为一种通俗文化的特殊文本表现形式,广泛活跃在社会各阶层的日常生活中。

    80 years , China and popular music has been an unprecedented development , the lyrics of popular culture as a phenomenon has a special form of the text is widely active in all walks of daily life .

  29. 一些地方会员还提供了圣诞园木,一根在圣诞节早晨竖立在壁炉跟前的木头,再加上通俗的圣诞音乐。

    Some local affiliates provide the Yule Log , a block of time on Christmas morning showing footage of a fireplace , coupled with popular Christmas music .

  30. 在这个物质文化多元化的时代,本土民族音乐不断受到来自通俗等其它各种音乐的冲击,其市场文化已经到了边缘地步。

    In this era of cultural diversity , the native music is ceased by other popular music .