
  • 网络Picks;draft pick
  1. 同时,2016级的高顺位(NBA选秀中排在前面的选秀权)选秀们还在为出场时间而努力,更不用说挑战新秀第一人的宝座。

    Meanwhile , the top picks of the 2016 draft class are struggling to establish themselves , let alone challenge the throne for top first-year player .

  2. 骑士队得到:以赛亚-托马斯、杰-克劳德、安特-日日奇和2018年的篮网首轮无保护选秀权

    Cavaliers acquire : Isaiah Thomas , Jae Crowder , Ante Zizic , Nets ' 2018 unprotected first

  3. 小牛队老板马克-库班曾下过比这更大的赌注,但是,他尝试换来诺埃尔作为空中接力/护框型球员——像泰森-钱德勒那样,舍弃的东西并不多(贾斯廷-安德森和一次伪第一轮选秀权)。

    Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has made riskier bets than this , though , and he didn 't part with much of consequence ( Justin Anderson and a fake first-round pick ) for a shot at working Noel into a lob-finishing / rim-protecting life as the next Tyson Chandler .