
nì xíng
  • go in a direction not allowed by traffic regulations;go in the wrong direction;retrograde motion;(of vehicles)go in a direction not allowed by traffic regulations
逆行 [nì xíng]
  • [(of vehicles)go in a direction not allowed by traffic regulations] 朝着与规定方向相反的方向行进

  • 高速逆行怎能不出车祸?

逆行[nì xíng]
  1. 上个月,你的行星水星是缓慢的,薄弱的逆行运动造成您一些令人沮丧的拖延,混乱的通信,以及一些错误的开始。

    Last month , your ruler , Mercury , was in slow , weak retrograde motion causing you a number of frustrating delays , confusing communications , and some false starts .

  2. 土星在你关系宫的逆行,与太阳、水星、火星和木星都形成对冲位置,周末时对冲圈里还会加入爱之星金星。

    In retrograde motion in your relationship sector Saturn has moved into opposition with the Sun , Mercury , Mars and Jupiter and over the weekend he 'll add Venus , planet of love to that list .

  3. 公共汽车突然驶入了逆行道。

    The bus veered onto the wrong side of the road .

  4. 他开车行驶在道路逆行的一侧。

    He was driving on the wrong side of the road .

  5. 一个疯狂的司机以每小时110英里的速度在高速公路上逆行飙车35英里。

    A maniac driver sped 35 miles along the wrong side of a motorway at 110 mph .

  6. 它驶上了逆行车道,撞上了对面驶来的一辆汽车。

    It had gone on to the wrong side of the road and hit a car coming in the other direction .

  7. 单行线,车辆不得逆行。

    One-way street [ traffic ] .

  8. 河流中沙垄和逆行沙垄的存在,使局部水深交替地增大或减小。

    The presence of dunes or antidunes in streams alternately decreases and increases the local depth .

  9. 对某些泥沙和水流,平整床面并不发生,而床面形状则直接从沙垄转为逆行沙垄。

    For some sediments and flow the flat bed does not occur and the bed form goes directly from dunes to antidunes .

  10. 院内肺炎逆行感染途径的Southern印迹杂交分析

    Retrograde Transmission for Nosocomial Pneumonia : A Southern Blotting Analysis

  11. 结论CT诊断创伤性膀胱破裂优于膀胱逆行造影。

    Con clu sion CT has advantages over retrograde cystogram in diagnosing traumatic bladder rupture .

  12. 用麦芽凝集素-辣根过氧化物酶逆行示踪法研究大鼠C7神经根运动皮层的定位

    Locating corticospinal neurons of C_7 nerve root by retrograde axonal transport ation method of WGA-HRP : a preliminary report

  13. 逆行性膀胱增强CT扫描与顺行性增强CT扫描的ROC曲线比较分析

    Retrograde bladder CT scan and intravenous bladder CT scan compared by ROC curve

  14. 目的对逆行髓内钉与髁钢板固定治疗股骨远端A型和C型骨折的疗效进行系统评价。

    Objective To determine the effect of retrograde intramedullary nail and plate for type A and type C fracture of distal femoral in adult .

  15. 经KUB+IVP、CT、BUS、逆行上尿路插管造影及输尿管镜检诊断肾盂或输尿管癌。

    Diagnosis was based on KUB + IVP , CT , BUS , retrograde catheterization opacification of upper urinary tract and ureteroscope .

  16. 7例做逆行尿路造影(RU);

    Seven cases were examined by retrograde urography ( RU ) .

  17. 介入法逆行置入双J管治疗输尿管狭窄

    Retrograde placement of Double J ureteral stent with interventional therapy for the treatment of ureteral stricture

  18. 经胰胆管逆行注射4%去氧胆酸钠复制AP模型;

    AP model was induced by retrograded injection of4 % sodium deoxycholate into the pancreatic duct .

  19. 目的总结临床采用GSH钉(股骨髁上逆行交锁髓内钉)技术治疗股骨远端骨折的经验。

    Objective To summarize clinical experience of GSH nail for distal femoral fractures .

  20. 各影像学检查对肾盂源性囊肿的确诊率为B超28.6%,IVU75%,肾盂逆行造影100%,CT/MRI0%。

    And their accuracy of diagnosis in pyelogenic cysts are US 28.6 % , IVU 75 % , RGP 100 % , CT and MRI 0 % .

  21. 第4组另4只鼠于术后3个月行辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行示踪检查。

    Another 4 rats were performed with horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) tracing .

  22. C组提前以氯化钆抑制枯否细胞,然后向胰管内逆行注入生理盐水作为对照(对照组)。

    The rats in group C were given gadolinium previously to inhibit Kupffer cells , and then physiological saline was injected retrogradely into the pancreatic ducts ( control group ) .

  23. 目的用辣根过氧化酶(HRP)逆行追踪技术探讨异种神经移植后神经纤维的再生。

    Objective To study the nerve fiber regeneration after heterograft with HRP retrograde tracing .

  24. 方法经胰胆管逆行注射1.5%去氧胆酸钠0.05ml/100g体重建立大鼠ANP模型。

    Methods ANP models were induced by retrograde injection of 1.5 % sodium deoxycholate .

  25. 方法:HRP逆行追踪法。

    Methods : HRP retrograde tracing .

  26. 目的:探讨内窥镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)、体表B超(US)、CT对梗阻性黄疸的诊断价值。

    Objective : To study the diagnostic value of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ( ERCP )、 ultrasonography ( US ) and computer tomography ( CT ) on obstructive jaundice .

  27. 听觉脑干电反应(ABR)及其临床大脑皮层对胼胝体的逆行刺激的反应

    Auditory brainstem response and its clinical use cortical response to antidromic stimulation of the corpus callosum

  28. 用HRP逆行追踪结合免疫组织化学方法对大鼠隔核与海马间神经通路的研究

    Studies on by HRP & TMB and immunohistochemistry techique Research in LSD and hippocampus neurotransmitter in rats

  29. 豚鼠耳蜗核SP阳性神经元向下丘的投射-HRP逆行追踪与免疫组化双标

    Projection of substance P positive neurons from cochlear neucleus to inferior colliculus : Retrograde tracing of HRP and immunohistochemical double-labeled technique

  30. 5例患者均行静脉肾盂造影,3例行逆行肾盂造影,2例行CT平扫和增强,2例行MR平扫。

    Excretory urography were performed in all 5 cases , retrograde ureterography were performed in 3 cases , plain and contrast CT were performed in 2 cases and MRI were performed in 2 cases .