  • escape;flee;run away;take flight;skive
  • 为躲避不利于自己的环境或事物而离开:~跑。~敌。~匿。~遁。~逸。

  • 躲开不愿意或不敢接触的事物:~避。~难(nàn )。~汇。~税。~世(避世)。


(逃跑; 逃走) run away; flee; escape; take flight; take to one's heels:

  • 携赃款潜逃

    run away with the illicit money;

  • 仓皇溃逃

    take to one's hasty flight;

  • 那个间谍企图逃到邻国去。

    The spy attempted to escape to a neighbouring country.

  • 他逃进森林。

    He fled into a forest.


(逃避) escape; evade; shirk; dodge:

  • 罪责难逃

    cannot escape the responsibility for the offence

  1. 你惹了麻烦逃出来吗?

    Are you in trouble ? Have you run away ?

  2. 他们逃家会来找你会找你讨论性的问题

    You 'll be the one they run away to . The one they talk to about sex .

  3. 他们挣扎着从烟雾稀薄的地方逃了出去。

    They fought their way through where the smoke was thinner .

  4. 她从大火中逃出来,一边咳嗽,一边噗噗地吐气。

    She fled from the blaze , coughing and spluttering .

  5. 1939年战争爆发前不久他们逃到了美国。

    They had escaped to America shortly before war broke out in 1939 .

  6. 他们就在大火吞噬房子之前逃了出来。

    They got out of the house just before the flames took hold .

  7. 你故技重施,可这次再逃不脱了。

    You 've tried that trick once too often .

  8. 我只受了一点轻伤逃出来真是万幸。

    I was lucky to escape with minor injuries .

  9. 逃不掉的事情发生了——我忘了带护照。

    The inevitable happened ─ I forgot my passport .

  10. 任何事情都逃不过我们老师那锐利的目光。

    Nothing escaped our teacher 's eagle eye .

  11. 他的妻子立刻驳斥了他已逃到国外的谣言。

    Rumours that he had fled the country were promptly scotched by his wife .

  12. 他试图向门口逃去,她只好拉住他。

    She had to hold him back as he tried to break for the door .

  13. 他毫发未损地逃了出去。

    He escaped without a scratch .

  14. 当他们逃进使馆大院时,警察向他们开了枪。

    Police fired on them as they fled into the embassy compound .

  15. 他们在世纪之交逃到了南美洲。

    They fled to South America around the turn of the century .

  16. 他们像蜥蜴一样逃进了石缝。

    They fled like lizards into crannies in the rocks .

  17. 我想带她逃到一个安全的地方。

    I wanted to get her away to somewhere safe .

  18. 精明的乡下人正纷纷逃回各郡。

    Smart country people are fleeing back to the shires .

  19. 他逃到了哥斯达黎加以逃避服兵役。

    He fled to Costa Rica to avoid military service .

  20. 其他警官追了上去,可是杀手还是逃了。

    Other officers gave chase but the killers escaped .

  21. 叛军丢下武器和给养,逃进了山里。

    The rebels fled into the mountains , leaving behind their weapons and supplies

  22. 匪徒们逃到了一个偏远的山间藏身。

    The bandits fled to a remote mountain hideaway .

  23. 警方认为持枪的歹徒逃到树林里去了。

    Police believe the gunmen ran off into the woods

  24. 我掉头就跑,朝主屋方向逃去。

    I turned tail and fled in the direction of the main house .

  25. 再小的细节都逃不过她的眼睛。

    No detail was too small to escape her attention

  26. 那名司机设法从车里逃了出来并大声警告别人。

    The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and shout a warning .

  27. 她跟着他逃到墨西哥,并支持革命事业。

    She ran away with him to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause .

  28. 3年前我逃到墨西哥,和一个马戏团生活在一起。

    Three years ago I ran away to Mexico to live with a circus .

  29. 但我想说明白一点,这次调查谁都逃不了。

    I want to make it clear , however , that no one is untouchable in this investigation .

  30. 他们要是看到这账单,早就关门歇业逃到国外去了。

    If they had been faced with the bill they 'd have shut up shop and fled the country .