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zhuī zāng
  • recover stolen money or goods;order the return of stolen money or goods;make sb. disgorge the spoils
追赃 [zhuī zāng]
  • [order the return of stolen money or goods] 追查并收缴罪犯的赃款或赃物

追赃[zhuī zāng]
  1. 去年杭州G20峰会后,我国在北京成立了反腐追逃追赃研究中心。

    Following the G20 Summit in Hangzhou this past year , China established a research centre on anti-corruption , fugitive repatriation and asset recovery in Beijing .

  2. 经侦案件追赃中的有关问题研究

    On Some Problems in Recovering the Booties during the Investigation of Economic Crimes

  3. 追赃制度研究论纲

    Studies of the Booty - Recovery System

  4. 汪文斌表示,美国诽谤中国追逃追赃工作的努力,中国对此坚决反对。

    Wang says China firmly opposes to the U.S. slandering its efforts to fugitives and recover illicit money .

  5. 追赃难是当前经济犯罪案件侦查活动中的一个具有普遍性的问题。

    To recover the booties during the investigation of economic crimes is very difficult , which is a general problem now .

  6. 第三部分主要考察了运动尾声中追赃、定案、干部变动等现象。

    The third part is mainly on the movement end of stolen goods , finalized , cadre changes and phenomena such as .

  7. 针对产生原因,应采取强化司法合作,完善个案协查机制、加大追逃追赃力度的方略来遏制此类犯罪的发生。

    Measures like strengthening judicial cooperation , perfecting case investigation mechanism , and reinforcing criminal chasing should be taken to curb this crime .

  8. 在我国刑事法学研究欣欣向荣,刑事法制改革逐步向深层推进的今天,刑事追赃制度由于打击经济犯罪和反腐斗争的需要,也日益凸显其重要性。

    With the development in study and research on criminal law , in-depth advancement in the reform of criminal legal system and in the need of campaigning against economic crimes and the counter-spoiled struggle , the system of criminal activity searches out stolen goods highlights its importance gradually .