
  • 网络Lost Sheep
  1. 却要到以色列家的迷羊那里去。

    Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel .

  2. 勤苦不倦,祈祷警醒心灵迫切寻找迷羊。

    Toil on , faint not , Keep watch and pray ; Be wise the erring soul to win ;

  3. 这对耶稣是一种荣誉,他能寻找、拯救迷羊,毫无差错。

    It is a point of honor with Jesus to seek and to save all the flock , without a single exception .

  4. 本书的中心是三个寓言:迷羊、失钱和浪子的比喻。

    At the heart of the book are three parables-stories of a lost coin , a lost coin and a lost son .