
  • 网络Dubai Aerospace Enterprise;Dubai Air Wing
  1. 这家总部位于迪拜的航空公司在28年的运营史上只发生过两次事故。

    No. 7 Emirates The Dubai-based carrier has logged only two accidents in its 28 years of operation .

  2. 这笔订单也突显出了阿联酋航空公司的雄心,这家总部设在迪拜的航空公司正迅速崛起为亚洲、欧洲和美国等各地航空公司的竞争对手。

    The contract also underlines the ambitions of Emirates , the Dubai-based carrier that is rapidly becoming a rival to Asian , European and US airlines .

  3. Skytrax在英国范堡罗国际航空航天展览会期间公布了“2016年全球最佳航空公司奖”,这家总部位于迪拜的国际航空公司摘得桂冠。

    The international airline , based in Dubai , won the top honors at the Skytrax World Airline Awards ceremony at the Farnborough International Airshow in England .

  4. 您回日本的航班是在周六的20点钟,飞机中途停迪拜,费用由航空公司出。

    Your flight back to Japan is on Saturday at twenty with a stop over in Dubai at the airline 's expense .

  5. 迪拜所有的阿联酋航空公司表示,它将修建一座世界上最高的旅馆,以容纳海湾国家阿联酋日益增长的观光客。

    Dubai-owned airline Emirates said it would build one of the world 's tallest hotels to cater for growing numbers of tourists to the Gulf Arab emirate .