
  • 网络lien chan
  1. 连战:这样的话,又将会是一次无效的选举。

    Lien chan : in that case it would have been an invalid election .

  2. 为什么连战要到中国去?

    Why did Lien Chan go to china ?

  3. 连战答:很可惜我无法回答你的问题。

    Lien : I hope we can answer the question .

  4. 连战希望推翻选举结果。

    Mr Lien wants to challenge the results .

  5. 连战:他们是我的支持者?

    Lien : They are my supporters ?

  6. 连战和宋楚瑜访问大陆期间,他们对大陆的巨大变化感到惊叹。

    During their the mainland , Lien Chan and James Soong the great changes here .

  7. 台湾电视新闻的娱乐倾向化分析&从东森新闻台报道连战大陆行说起

    The Entertainment Orientation of Taiwan TV News

  8. 连战答:我想这种情况下,司法途径是我们最后的手段。

    Lien : Well , I think the court is our last resort in this case .

  9. 连战答:我会跟他说这场选举造成一场前所未有的宪政危机。

    Lien : Well , I would say that this election has create a unprecedentedly constitutional , Uh , crisis .

  10. 如果今天这场战败,那麽光芒明天会有极佳的机会在这四连战中把洋基扫地出门。

    If this game is a loss , then the Rays had an excellent chance to sweep the four game series .

  11. 但就像拿破仑的连战连胜在波罗底诺被终结一样,格林斯潘先生的胜利也在信贷紧缩中终结了。

    But , just as Napoleon 's run of victories ended at Borodino , Mr Greenspan 's ran out in the credit crunch .

  12. 其家族在台湾政坛颇有影响力,其父连战曾在内阁身居高职。

    His family has played a prominent role in the island 's politics for decades and his father served in numerous ministerial roles .

  13. 纽约报导&纽约星期四晚上更进一步接近美联东区冠军,完成了三连战横扫魔鬼鱼。

    New york & the Yankees inched closer to a division title on Thursday night , finishing off a three-game sweep of the devil rays .

  14. 在会议上,邵琪伟简单的介绍了大陆旅游业的发展并邀请连战和他的家人到大陆观光旅游。

    At the meeting , Shao outlined the development of the mainland 's tourism industry and invited Lien Chan and his family to tour the mainland .

  15. 在结束他们例行赛最后一次客场之旅后,洋基回到布朗士和金莺举行三连战。

    Coming off their final road trip of the regular season , the Bombers return to the Bronx to open a three-game set against the Orioles .

  16. 洋基西征以丹佛三连战开始,将征战三个城市,踏上九场客途,他们发现了一些事情。

    The Yankees discovered a few things as they ventured west to open a three-game series in Denver , kicking off a three-city , nine-game road trip .

  17. 连战提出将九年免费教育增加至12年,并主张“提高薪资特别扣除额”的减税措施。

    Lien Chan , promised to extend the9-year free education to12 ears and offered special tax rebates to allow the people to pay less to the government 's coffers .

  18. 这些受惠角色,应被视为:是马、王、连战、吴伯雄以及其他领袖之间,为了寻求权力平衡的一种努力,而不是党内紧张的迹象。

    Rather than an indication of intra-party tensions , they should be viewed as efforts to balance power between Ma , Wang , Honorary Chairman Lien Chan , Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung and other leaders .

  19. 连战办公室发言人丁远超说,祝刘先生好运,希望事情不像看起来那么糟糕。

    ' We wish Mr. Liu all the very best and we hope the situation is not as bleak as it seems , ' said Ting Yuan-chao , a spokesman for Mr. Lien 's office .

  20. 连战说,我们搭桥铺路,是人民所愿意看到的,他们不愿意再看到两岸的对峙与对撞,他们愿意看到的是两岸的对话与和解,大家的相互合作。

    " We 're paving the way and building a bridge , and the people will be glad to see cross-Straits dialog , reconciliation and cooperation , rather than confrontation or conflict ," Lien said .

  21. 连战在演讲中说,这是一个我们总结过去历史的机会,发展建立一个我们海峡两岸共同的未来,这是非常重要的事情。

    Lien told his audience it is a historic opportunity to sum up the past and build a common future for both sides of the Straits . " And this is very important ," he said .

  22. 尽管微软的利润仍会让其他公司的高管们艳羡不已,但它在最大的科技业新动向中连战连败,比如移动科技、互联网搜索和云计算。

    While Microsoft still makes profits that executives at other companies would be ecstatic to have , it has been beaten on the biggest new trends in tech , including mobile , Internet search and cloud computing .

  23. 医院官方表示现年40岁的连战之子连胜文在医院接受了紧急手术,但情况稳定,抵达医院时神智清醒,没有生命危险。

    Hospital officials said Lien Cheng-wen , also known as Sean Lien , 40 , the son of Lien Chan , was undergoing emergency surgery but was in a stable condition . The 40-year-old was conscious on arrival and his life is not thought to be in danger .