
  • 网络telemedicine
  1. StennarPedersen是挪威北方大学远距离医学挪威中心的主任。

    Stennar Pedersen is the director of the Norwegian Center for Telemedicine at the University Hospital of North Norway .

  2. 远距离医学是电子健康的另外一个说法。

    Telemedicine is another term for eHealth .

  3. 我对远程医疗,或被称作远距离医学,已经好奇一阵子了。只需按下智能手机上的按钮,这种新型的医疗服务就能让你看医生。

    For awhile now I 've wondered about telehealth , also called telemedicine , the new type of medical service that makes a doctor available at the push of a button on your smartphone .

  4. 由于THz波段处于毫米波与红外线之间,THz辐射的产生困难很大,目前THz源对于雷达、远距离探测、医学、实验等有重要的应用,都需要THz辐射源。

    Because the THz is between the millimeter wave and the infrared , it is difficult to produce the THz radiation resonance . But the application such as the radars and far distance detecting need great power THz resource .