
  • 网络Elasticity of import demand
  1. 当然不同的进口需求弹性,反补贴造成的经济效应也有所不同,例如进口需求弹性较小时反补贴的作用就大打折扣。

    Of course , the different supply and demand flexibility will affect the strength of economic effects , for example , the smaller the importing demand flexibility , the weaker of the countervailing effects .

  2. 日本对中国苹果汁的进口需求支出弹性为富有弹性,但是支出弹性有下降趋势,其他国家的苹果汁对中国苹果汁的替代影响有限。

    The expenditure elasticity of Japanese demand for Chinese apple juice is flexible , but has a trend of decline . The apple juice from other countries has no substitution influence to Chinese apple juice .

  3. 美国对苹果汁的进口需求支出富有弹性。

    The America apple juice import demand expenditure is elastic .

  4. 进口需求的收入弹性

    Income elasticity of demand for import

  5. 日本对苹果汁进口需求的支出弹性为正,但缺乏弹性。

    The expenditure elasticity of Japanese import demand of apple juice is positive , but lack of flexibility .

  6. 结果表明,无论是长期还是短期,中国的进口需求相对于价格缺乏弹性,但相对于收入具有较高的弹性。

    The results show that price is inelastic and income is rather elastic , either in the long-run or short-run .

  7. 欧盟对土耳其和乌克兰苹果汁进口需求显示出强偏好,对中国苹果汁进口需求支出弹性为0.8633,其他国家的苹果汁对中国苹果汁没有替代影响。

    European Union shows strong preference to Turkey and Ukraine apple juice import demand . The import demand elasticity of European Union is 0.8633 to China , while other countries ' have no substitute influence to Chinese apple juice .