
  • 网络trend of evolution;evolutionary trend
  1. 核型由对称向不对称进化是与染色体数目的进化趋势大体上相关的。

    The evolution of karyotype variation from symmetry to asymmetry is correlated with the trend of evolution of the chromosome number .

  2. 2009年新型甲型H1N1流感病毒的进化趋势及未来防控中应考虑的问题

    Evolutionary trend of the novel A / H1N1 influenza virus in 2009 and the major problems concerning prevention and control of this pandemic

  3. 文中讨论了45Srdna和5Srdna在植物基因组中不同的进化趋势。

    We further discussed differentially evolutionary processes of 45S and 5S rDNA in plant genomes .

  4. 本论文的创新点为:1、在木聚糖酶的研究中,引入了ARIMA模型对某种氨基酸的进化趋势进行分析。

    In xylanase study , ARIMA model is introduced and the evolutionary trends of some amino acids are analyzed . 2 .

  5. Faba该属的进化趋势为:卷须退化,总状花序轴缩短,小叶对数减少,总状花序少花,花小,荚果肥厚等特点。

    Faba The retrogression of tendril , short axis of raceme , decrease of leaves , several flowers of raceme , small flowers , fleshy legume etc. are its evolutionary direction .

  6. 中国侧柏地理种源核型分析与进化趋势

    Karyotype Analysis and Evolutional Trend of Geographical Provenances of Arborvitae in China

  7. 本文从探讨菊花来历、演变,就其系统发展进化趋势,并适当结合观赏习惯,提出了对中国菊花品种分类的初步意见。

    Evolution and development of Chrysanthemum .

  8. 并且对这些导管分子的构造、进化趋势以及同一导管分子上的特殊结构进行了详细的讨论。

    Their conformation , evolutionary trend and special structures in the same vessel are discussed in detail .

  9. 本文讨论了花冠类型的进化趋势与传粉式样和花粉形态的关系。

    In this paper corolla forms and their evolutionary trends are discussed in relation to pollination patterns and pollen morphology .

  10. 由绿豆抗菌蛋白解析生物界防御蛋白的多样性及进化趋势

    The Analysis on Diversities and Evolutional Trends of Defense Proteins Among Biological Organisms Based on Antifungal Proteins From Mung Bean

  11. 这与形态学上植株高度、叶片大小、种子大小等的进化趋势是一致的。

    The evolutionary trend of chromosome was same as morphology , including the height of plant , the size of leaves and seeds .

  12. 就如我们看到的,哺乳动物在自然环境中的死亡率随着物种的变化而变化,而这正决定了进化趋势。

    As we will see , the mortality of mammals in their natural environments varies considerably between species , and this determines evolutionary trends .

  13. 利用活化石植物生态系统来估算陆地生态系统碳固存能力的进化趋势是一种有效的手段。

    Our objective is to utilize the biomass and productivity of living-fossil ecosystems to estimate the evolutionary trend in carbon sequestration capacity of terrestrial ecosystems .

  14. 依他所看,比较聪明的人更加容易顺应进化趋势,接受新式的两性关系模式。

    According to his theory , intelligent people are more likely to adopt what in evolutionary terms are new practices -- to become " more evolved . "

  15. 本属的进化趋势为冬芽芽鳞由数枚减少到2枚,花序由总状圆锥花序→复伞房花序→伞房花序→伞形花序。

    This genus ' evolutionary direction : the number of winter bud scale is from many to two , inflorescence : compound raceme → compound corymb → corymb → umbel .

  16. 分析结果表明,胚乳细胞体积的增大、数量的增多、细胞的变圆、长宽比值的减少皆与类群的进化趋势相顺应。

    The results of analysis show that the enlargement of volume , increase in quantity , conglobation of form and decrease of ratio of the length to the breadth of endosperm cells are in agreement with the evolutionary trends of taxa .

  17. 该模型是一种整体的、综合的发展,是系统或系统要素在有机和谐条件下,从小变大,从简单到复杂,从无序到有序,从低级到高级的进化趋势。

    The model is a holistic and integrated development of the system or elements of the system in a harmonious organic condition , the change from a young age , from simple to complex , from disorder to order , from low to high evolutionary trends .

  18. 废除论者认为死刑是原始时代野蛮习惯的遗风、与现代文明社会不协调、有悖社会的进化趋势,因此主张用终身监禁来代替死刑。

    Repealing commentators argue that the death penalty is the barbaric habits and the primitive times legacy , incompatible with the modern civilized society , goes against the trend of the evolution of society , advocate the use of life imprisonment instead of the death penalty .

  19. 菊科进化的趋势有可能是辐射进化的。

    The trend of Compositae evolution is probably radial .

  20. 6在人这一支由于受到达尔文正向选择的作用而表现出快速进化的趋势;

    In the human lineage , which was caused by Darwinian positive selection , was observed .

  21. 最后将本文建立的优化理论应用于层次化函数优化和无人战斗机的路径规划,验证基于图形模型的智能优化算法进化的趋势、强度和效果。

    Finally the optimization of hierarchical functions and the path planning for UCAVs ( Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles ) are studied by the optimization mechanism that is presented in this dissertation .

  22. 分别分析了栽培稻中变异位点与地理、表型直链淀粉含量与地理的关系,发现我国栽培稻存在由低纬度向高纬度进化的趋势。

    The relationship between the variation sites and the geographic location , the amylose content and the geographic location were carried out in cultivated rice accessions respectively , it showed that Chinese cultivated rice existed the evolution trends that from low to high latitude .

  23. 城市绿地系统布局结构进化特征及趋势研究&以上海为例

    Layout of urban green system : characteristics and trend

  24. 登革病毒的分子进化和流行趋势

    Molecular Evolution and Epidemiology of Dengue Virus

  25. 生物进化的主要趋势是由简单到复杂,由低级到高级。

    One of the main trends of evolution is the development from simplicity to complexity , from lower organism to higher organism .

  26. 智能化是兼顾各种问题与需求的关键技术,是车辆及发动机冷却系统的进化与发展趋势。

    Intelligent cooling management is the key technology to take all crucial demands into consideration , and it is the very future technology with the evolution and development of cooling system .

  27. 发展是人类不断繁衍、不断进化的内在趋势,是不同民族、不同国家和社会的共同追求,也是马克思主义唯物辩证法的基本特征之一。

    Development is the human proliferation , continuously evolved inner trend , is the social common pursuit of the different nationality and different country , and is also one of the basic characteristics with Marxist dialectical materialism .

  28. 并提出了一种新的变异概率的计算方法,引入了呈指数变化的系数km,使变异概率随进化代数呈递减趋势变化,保证了个体的进化能力,有效防止算法陷入局部最优。

    To ensure individual ability of evolution and effectively prevent the algorithm into local optimal solution , this article introduces a new coefficient km which changes exponentially and makes mutation rate reduce along with the evolving algebra .

  29. 在建立的进化树中vacA和cagA基因的进化趋势与疾病的临床病理特征不存在明显相关性。

    The trend of Hp vacA and cagA in evolutionary tree had no significant correlation with clinical and pathological features . 5 .

  30. 不断进化的生物,基本上都有共同的进化趋势。

    The tendency of evolving organisms to follow a trend is widespread .