
jìn dài hàn yǔ
  • Modern Chinese/Sinitic language
  1. 近代汉语中的X的X格式

    The Form of " X 'S X " in Modern Chinese

  2. 首先第一个问题,文章考察了近代汉语时期的一种特殊的处置式&将∕把V句型。

    First of all , , the article studied a special type of the handling type in modern Chinese time - " jiang / ba V " patterns .

  3. 近代汉语中的主谓谓语句举隅

    Sentences with a Subject-predicate Phrase as its Predicate in Modern Chinese

  4. 元代是近代汉语的一个重要时期。

    The Yuan Dynasty is an important period in modern Chinese .

  5. 近代汉语使役动词及其相关的句法、语义结构

    Causative Verb , Related Syntactical and Semantic Structure in Modern Chinese

  6. 近代汉语副词“逐旋”的演变

    A study of the development of the adverb " zhuxuan "

  7. 试论近代汉语中的叠加式词语模

    A Study of the Overlapping Word Formation Model in Modern Chinese

  8. 近代汉语语法问题探源

    Probing into the Problem of Modern Chinese Grammar from the Source

  9. 近代汉语动宾补结构

    The " Verb-object-complement " Structure in Chinese Language of Near-modern Times

  10. 但是,对近代汉语中此构式的研究,我们所见较少。

    However , we have seen little research in modern Chinese .

  11. 近代汉语双宾语结构研究

    The Research on the Double - object Structure in Modern Chinese

  12. 试论近代汉语中倒序词的成因

    On the Cause of Formation of Reverted Word Order in Modern Chinese

  13. 论近代汉语去+NP+去句

    On Modern Chinese Sentence Pattern " qu + NP + qu "

  14. 近代汉语量词研究较为薄弱。

    The study of quantifier is still rather weak in modern Chinese .

  15. 关于近代汉语中事态助词去的几个问题

    A Few Questions on Aspectual Particle qu in Modern Chinese

  16. 近代汉语被动义吃字结构格式、意义考察

    Study on the Pattern and meaning of the Passive Chi in Chinese

  17. 论近代汉语西源外来语

    On the Foreign Words of Western Origin in Modern Chinese

  18. 论近代汉语进行体和持续体标记在这里/那里

    On Progressive Aspect and Persisting Aspect Zaizheli / nali in Modern Chinese

  19. 近代汉语词汇研究与中古汉语

    A Study of Modern Chinese Vocabulary and the Mid-Ancient Chinese

  20. 近代汉语三音词发展原因试析

    The Cause of Formation of Three-Syllabled Terms in Modern Chinese

  21. 近代汉语词语札记

    Reading Notes on the Modern China Language Vocabulary Learning Chinese

  22. 近代汉语几种句式结构成分的变化及其句法后果

    Variation of Modern Chinese Sentence Structure and Its Semantic Result

  23. 其二,为近代汉语及现代汉语词汇语法的研究提供素材,深化对近现代汉语关系的认识。

    Second , provide material for the study of modern Chinese language .

  24. 近代汉语共同语的构成特点及其发展

    The Constitutional Features and Development of Modern Chinese Common Language

  25. 近代汉语三音词的结构方式

    The structural patterns of 3-syllabled words in Modern Chinese

  26. 近代汉语时期,时间副词得到了长足发展,主要呈现出五个方面的特点:1、数量的增加;

    In modern Chinese , the adverb of time have the great development .

  27. 近代汉语三音词在语用方面形成了独有的修辞特点。

    Three-phoned vocabulary in modern Chinese has taken on its unique rhetorical features .

  28. 从几部文献看近代汉语比字句的否定形式

    See the negative form of " Bi " From the Modern Chinese Literature

  29. 近代汉语同素逆序同义词探析

    A Study on the Same - Morpheme and Contrary-Order Synonym of Modern Chinese

  30. 二程语录在近代汉语词汇史研究上的价值

    The Value of Two-Cheng Ana in the Study of Neoteric Chinese Lexical History