
  • 网络theory of yun-qi;circulation of qi theory
  1. 运气学说对中医药辨治SARS的启示

    Inspiration for Treatment of SARS with Doctrine of Five Evolutive Phases and Six Climatic Factors Based on Syndrome Differentiation of TCM

  2. 运气学说在中医妇科学中的指导和应用

    Introduction and Application of Yunqi Theory to Gynecology of TCM

  3. 系统研究运气学说可推动中医理论的创新与发展

    Systemic Study of Yun-Qi Theory Driving Innovation and Development of Chinese Medical Theory

  4. 运气学说的推演方式也经过了长期的发展,有着不同的模式。

    The calculation model also has developed for long time with various formulas .

  5. 象数思维方式对运气学说思维方式及其特征的影响

    Effects of Xiang and Shu Thinking Patterns on Movement-Qi Thinking Pattern and Its Feature

  6. 王冰与运气学说

    Wang Bing and His Fortune Doctrine

  7. 运气学说与岭南风温临床特点相关性研究

    The Dependablity Research on ' Doctrine on Yunqi ' and the Clinical Characterization of Lingnan Anemogenous Febrile Disease

  8. 亢害承制理论,原本属于运气学说范畴。

    The theory to avoid harm by restraining excess belonged to the scope of qi circulation theory originally .

  9. 探讨运气学说核心理论及其在《伤寒论》理论研究中的价值

    Explore the Core Theory of Doctrine on Yunqi and the Value in Theoretical Research of " Shang Han Lun "

  10. 其中基础性研究包括运气学说形成的源流、核心理论、运气构架、推演方式和天文历法;

    Fundamental research includes headstreams , core theory , structure , ways of deducing , chronometer and calendar of the doctrine ;

  11. 唐宋间五味理论进一步受到运气学说和法象学说的影响,变得更加多元化。

    In Tang and Song dynasty , five flavor theories of medicine were further developed at the effects of Yunqi doctrine and image resembling doctrine into a pluralism form .

  12. 运气学说是古代先贤在长期的生活和医疗实践中总结出来的医学理论,强调自然界对生命体及其疾病发生发展变化的影响。

    Ancient sages summed up yunqi theory through the long-term life and medical practice . Yunqi theory emphasis on the nature of living things and their changes in the disease development .

  13. 此书集中体现了王肯堂关于运气学说的临床诊治与应用的学术思维,而与之相似的系统研究者迄今为止鲜有出现。

    This book epitomizes the of Wang Kentang Doctrine clinical diagnosis and treatment and application of academic thinking , and similar systems researchers so far as the mound of fresh there .

  14. 本研究尝试用运气学说来分析缺血性中风病急性期症候特点,寻找缺血性中风急性期症候在乙酉年运气中所呈现的规律。

    This research try to analyze traits about acute symptoms of ischemic stroke by the theory of Yunqi , in order to find rule of these symptoms in relation to Yunqi of Yiyou year .

  15. 文章根据《内经》运气学说,对2006年(丙戌年)的运气进行了基本推演,并对2006年各个时期的发病范围及其发病特点进行了试探性推测。

    This paper made a basic anticipation to Yunqi in 2006 years according to the doctrine on Yunqi of Endo-meridians , also anticipated the scale and characteristic to fill ill in different period 2006 years .

  16. 从运气学说、疹的病因、机、伤寒的鉴别、疗及谴方用药等方面对疫疹进行了探讨,剖析了余师愚温疫理论、术思想及其治方用药的规律和特点。

    This article discusses the treatment and herbal prescription of epidemic rashes from the yunqi doctrine , etiology , pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation to summarize Yu shiyu 's theory , academic thoughts and herbal administration rules .

  17. 但干支运气与实际气候变化的吻合性到底如何,历代研究者对此一直有不同的观点,现代缺乏对这一问题的系统性研究,而这是判断运气学说科学与否的关键。

    But the change of heavenly stems and earthly branches and actual climate agreement how , the researchers have different opinions , the modern lack of systematic study on this issue , which is the key to judge the doctrine of science or not . 1 .