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  • 网络yuncheng basin
  1. 由这些震源机制解结果中所有P轴、Τ轴做出的运城盆地的平均应力场,与华北区域地壳应力场和山西平均应力场的结果基本一致。

    The mean stress field in Yuncheng basin calculated by all p and T axes of the focal mechanism solutions is coincident with North China regional stress field and Shanxi mean stress field essentially .

  2. 运城盆地的现今构造活动及现代地壳应力场的基本特征

    Recent Tectonic Movement and Recent Crust Stress Field in Yuncheng Basin

  3. 用NOAA气象卫星资料结合地面光谱测定对运城盆地冬小麦长势进行监测及产量估算的方法探讨

    An Inquiry into Method of Monitoring Growth Vigour of Winter Wheat and Estimating it Yield Using NOAA AVHRR , Landsat MSS and Spectral Data

  4. 浅谈运城盆地高氟地下水的分布及成因

    Distribution and causes of formation of high-fluorine groundwater in Yuncheng basin

  5. 运城盆地全新世时期的野火活动与生态环境演变

    Wildfire Activity and Ecological Environment Change During Holocene in the Yuncheng Basin

  6. 运城盆地水资源利用与对策

    Utilization of Water Resources and Its Countermeasures for Yuncheng Basin

  7. 物探方法在勘查运城盆地地热水方面的应用

    Application of material-probe method in prospecting earth heat water in Yuncheng Basin

  8. 运城盆地盐湖区地热资源分析

    Analysis on geothermal resources in saline area in Yuncheng basin

  9. 运城盆地地下水开发历史的回顾

    Review on the History of Groundwater Development in Yuncheng Basin

  10. 运城盆地漏斗区水文地球化学演化规律研究

    Culture Region Geochemical Evolution of Groundwater Filler in Yuncheng Basin of Shanxi Province

  11. 山西运城盆地多次大面积高频地振动事件的调查

    An Investigation into Large-Area High Frequency Ground Vibration Events in Yuncheng Basin of Shanxi

  12. 运城盆地是山西省的主要粮棉产区。

    Yuncheng basin is the main grain and cotton producing area of shanxi province .

  13. 运城盆地新构造运动与古河道演变

    Neotectonic Movement and Palaeochannel Evolution in Yuncheng Basin

  14. 利用两种密度&深度模型计算并解释山西运城盆地的重力异常。

    Using the two density-depth model computed and explained gravity anomalies of the yuncheng basin .

  15. 运城盆地黄土沉积特征

    Sedimental features of loess in Yuncheng basin

  16. 运城盆地洪积平原全新世环境演变与侵蚀阶段研究

    Holocene Environment Change of Pedogenesis and Erosion phases on Pluvial-alluvial Fan in Yuncheng Basin , Shanxi Province

  17. 由于全新世气候的波动变化,以及人类活动的影响,运城盆地洪积扇地表出现过4个比较明显的面状流水侵蚀-堆积作用阶段,时间分别在11500-11000aB.P。

    Because of the fluctuation and change of the Holocene climate the four sheet rainwash erosional-depositional phases happened approximately in 11500-11000a B.P.

  18. 殷墟时期,涑水河流域的运城盆地几乎没有发现商文化遗存。

    But at the same time , in the Yuncheng Basin of Sushui River we have discovered almost no any more Shang cultural relics .

  19. 本文首先运用卫星影像,对临汾&运城盆地中主要活动断层的平面展布状况进行了解译。

    In this paper , at first , the plane distribution of main active faults in the Basin of Linfen-Yuncheng are interpreted by satellite imagery .

  20. 大量震源机制解结果表明,运城盆地存在以水平拉张为主要特点的局部小区域应力场,盆地北部水平挤压分量占优势。

    A host of focal mechanism solutions show that there is a locally small regional stress field characterized by horizontal compresion component is dominant in the north of the basin .

  21. 该遗址的发掘为晋南地区尤其是运城盆地夏商文化遗存的研究提供了一批新材料,加深了对东下冯类型文化遗存的认识与研究。

    The excavation provides new materials for investigating the Xia and Shang remains from south Shanxi especially the Yuncheng Basin , and enriches the understanding of the Dongxiafeng cultural remains .

  22. 运城盆地存在的主要水文地质问题如下:第一查明地下水资源数量,解决区域下降漏斗;

    The main hydrogeological problems in Yuncheng basin are as follows . 1 . To solve the regional groundwater drawdown cone problem , the quantity of groundwater resources must be investigated .

  23. 第四章,分别从池盐产量、国家的盐利收入、盐池的盐政管理政策、运城盆地的发展以及现代地球化学工艺等方面,对制盐技术的社会影响及贡献进行详细论证。

    Chapter four discusses the social significances of this salt producing technology in terms of lake-salt output , salt-revenue tax , some relative administrative policies , the development of Yuncheng City as well as the geochemistry technology .

  24. 简要阐述了运城盆地的地层特征,分析了地热水资源的总体状况及其特点,为该地区地热水资源的开发利用提供了科学依据,促进我国经济的快速发展。

    It illustrates characteristics of stratum in Yuncheng basin , analyzes overall condition of geothermal water resources and its characteristics , which to offer scientific reference for exploitation and utilization of geothermal water resources in this district , and to promote quick development of our economy .

  25. 运城盐湖位于山西地堑系运城断陷盆地内的次一级深断陷内。

    The Yuncheng Saline Lake is located in a sub-faulted-down area in the Yuncheng faultedbasin on the south part of the Shanxi Graben Systems .

  26. 运城盐湖位于山西省南部的运城盆地,是我国北方的一个天然大盐池,同时也是山西省最大的湖泊。

    Yuncheng Salt Lake is situated in the Yuncheng Basin in the southern of Shanxi province . This big natural saline lake which is located in north of China is also the largest lake in Shanxi Province .