
  • 网络Maybach;Wilhelm Maybach;landaulet;MAYBACH MANUFAKTUR
  1. 持续将近10年的亏损后,戴姆勒汽车公司(Daimler)终于关闭了豪车品牌迈巴赫。

    Ending almost a decade of losses , Daimler is shutting down its super-luxury Maybach brand .

  2. 它看上去正式、庄重、庞大,犹如早产的迈巴赫(Maybach)。

    Formal , ceremonial , heavy , a preemie Maybach .

  3. 雪莉·谢尔普德(ABC节目《观点》主持人,《请假条》作者):不,而且我的朋友没有一个追求这个。我都不知道丹泽尔有一辆迈巴赫,不过

    Sherri Shepherd ( co-host of ABC 's The View , and author of Permission Slips ): No , and none of my friends are looking for that . I didn 't know Denzel had a Maybach , but

  4. CarreraGT使用10缸发动机,除了跑车之外很少用于其他车型。迈巴赫的最新款57S是其系列车型的运动款。

    Maybach 57S is sports vehicles among its latest series .

  5. 迈巴赫57S比迈巴赫57或62马力更为强大。

    The horsepower of Maybach 57S is stronger than Maybach 57 or 62 .

  6. 如果为死去的迈巴赫写篇墓志铭,碑文恐怕不会很体面。

    The Maybach epitaph will not be a not pretty one .

  7. Landaulet原型是迈巴赫62S。

    The Landaulet is based on the Maybach 62S .

  8. 柴奇将会很高兴终于能够摆脱迈巴赫。

    Zetsche will be glad to wipe his hands of Maybach ( pronounced my-bock ) .

  9. 迈巴赫被视作俄国超级富豪的”终极身份象征“。

    The Maybach has been adopted as the ultimate status symbol by Russia 's super-rich .

  10. 戴姆勒公司的蓝色和银灰色豪车迈巴赫首次亮相,流行歌手丽安娜•刘易斯担任车模。

    Daimler debuted the blue and silver Maybach at the show , with entertainment by pop singer Leona Lewis .

  11. 奔驰一开始考虑过“迈巴赫•齐伯林”这个名字,不过他们二人设计的飞艇也叫这个名字,奔驰也明智地认为把自己的汽车和飞艇扯在一块儿不是什么好事。

    Mercedes toyed with the name " Maybach Zeppelin " but sensibly decided the blimp connection might not be a positive one .

  12. 根据该日报称,在俄国仅有数十迈巴赫辆。这是第一辆被盗迈巴赫车。

    There are only a few dozen in Russia and this was the first case of one being stolen , the daily said .

  13. 迈巴赫是奔驰公司旗下的超豪华品牌,然而现在它几乎完全淡出人们的视线。相比戴姆勒与克莱斯勒的合并,这算不得一个大错误,但仍然缺乏解决方案。

    Not quite as big a mistake as the DaimlerChrysler merger , but still lacking a resolution , Maybach , the uber-Mercedes brand , has almost vanished from sight .