- transpassivation
On the transpassivation and posttreatment of stainless steel
The middle layer in the transpassive anodic oxide film which is rich in Cr is more wider and oxidized more complete than that in HNO_3 oxide film .
Mo in 316 alloy affected the composition and growth rate of iron oxides , decreased the dissolution rate of Cr at transpassive region and inhibited Cl ~ - in its penetration through the oxide film , playing therefore a role to prolong the incubation period of SCC .
It was shown that iron in Na2SO4 + Cl-solution exhibited active - passive-transpassive characteristics in the presence or absence of magnetic field , although Cl - in the solution would hinder the formation of passive layer .
The corrosion resistance of the passive film formed in transpassive region is better than that in passive region .