
  • 网络transition resistance
  1. MATLAB仿真表明,该测距算法不受伪根、过渡电阻、故障类型和位置以及不同步相角等因素的影响,能够实现快速准确地故障测距。

    MATLAB simulation showed that this location algorithms was unaffected with the factors of pseudo root , transition resistance , fault type , fault location and non-synchronous angle etc. to achieve fast and accurate fault location .

  2. 不同于传统的故障区域选择方法,基于SVM的故障区域搜索更为精确且不受过渡电阻的影响,在线路首末端故障也能正确识别。

    Fault region selection method is different from the traditional method , the fault region search based on SVM is more accurate and is not affected by the transition resistance , also be able to correctly identify the first and end line fault .

  3. 针对单端法故障测距易受过渡电阻的影响,提出了一种基于全球定位系统(GPS)的双端同步采样的输电线路故障定位方法。

    The conventional method of fault location which uses sample data at one terminal can not deal with the influence of the fault resistance .

  4. 通过Matlab仿真分析结果证明,该继电器具有优良的动作特性,在500kV的高压线路上有良好的耐受过渡电阻能力。

    Simulative analysis with Matlab proves its good operating characteristic and strong adaptability to earth resistance on 500 kV line .

  5. 与传统的基于工频量的故障测距技术相比而言,基于行波的测距技术不易受系统运行方式、过渡电阻、CT饱和、线路分布电容的影响,测距精度高。

    Compared with conventional fault location based on fundamental components , traveling-wave based fault location is more accurate and not apt to be affected by transition resistor , fault type , distributed capacitance , bus configuration and CT saturation , etc.

  6. 对不同的故障角和过渡电阻的ATP仿真以及MATLAB程序分析结果验证,该方法能够判断出故障与区间串补电容的相对位置。

    ATP ( alternative transients program ) simulation programmed with MATLAB on different fault phase angles and transient resistances indicates that the method is able to identify the position relative to the series compensators .

  7. 该方法适用于接地过渡电阻不大于3kΩ的配电网故障定位问题。

    This method is suitable for the fault location problem with earth resistance no larger than 3 .

  8. 大量ATP仿真数据的测试表明:这种故障类型识别的新原理及其算法在线路不同位置、不同过渡电阻、不同初始角等故障情况下都能正确快速地选出故障相。

    A large number of ATP simulation tests show that the new fault-type identification method can correctly select the faulty phase on various conditions involving different fault positions , different fault path resistances and different inception angles .

  9. ATP仿真测试表明,该算法可以用来实现超高速保护,基本上能够正确判别区内外故障,适应不同位置、不同过渡电阻、不同初始角及不同类型的故障情形。

    The ATP simulations show that the scheme for ultra-high-speed protection enables to correctly distinguish the internal and external faults , and is insensitive to fault locations , fault path resistances , fault inception angles and fault types .

  10. 最后通过暂态仿真软件ATP进行了仿真,仿真结果证实了上述原理的有效性,并不受故障初相角和过渡电阻的影响。

    This criterion will not be affected by fault initial phase angle and transition resistance . The effectiveness of the criterion has been verified by the ATP simulation results . A new criterion for fault line selection based on the maximum of zero-sequence transient current is proposed .

  11. 根据配电网多相故障测距研究中存在的问题,创造性地提出以特征频带测度矢量的多级分布式神经网络测距模型:首级为过渡电阻检测NN模型;

    Based on existing problems of studies about multi-phase fault location in distribution systems , multilevel distributed neural network ( NN ) locating model with the basis of feature band measure vector is creatively proposed : first level is NN model for solving fault resistance value ;

  12. 仿真结果表明:测距误差将小于0.15km,且测距精度不受故障类型和过渡电阻的影响。

    Simulations show that , the locating error is less than 0.15km , and the fault types and fault resistances have no influence on locating precision .

  13. 分析了其判据和动作特性,通过数字仿真证明了此新判据在500kV、300km单回输电线路末端单相接地短路能承受300Ω以上的过渡电阻。

    The criterion and its operating character were analyzed in detail . Digital simulation proves that this new criterion can tolerate over 300 ohms fault resistance for single phase to ground fault at the end of 500 kV 300 km transmission line .

  14. 介绍了一种数字存储示波器经GP-IB接口与计算机连接实现自动化测试的设备,用来记录电阻式有载分接开关过渡电阻的切换波形(即过渡电阻过渡时间的测量)。

    A digital memory oscilloscope , an instrument of realizing automatic measurment by connecting GP-IB interface with microcomputer is introduced , which is used for recording diverter wave of transition resistance of resistance type on-load tap-changer ( i.e.measuring transition time of transition resistance ) .

  15. 短路故障时高过渡电阻条件下距离保护的研究

    Study on Distance Protection of Short Circuit under High Fault Resistance

  16. 计及故障限流器和故障过渡电阻的接地距离保护补偿算法

    Compensation algorithm of grounding distance protection considering FCL and fault resistance

  17. 对多种阻抗继电器抗过渡电阻能力分析与研究

    The Ability Analysis and Research of Various Reactance Relay against Transient Resistance

  18. 一种可避免过渡电阻影响的故障测距新方法

    A new fault distance measurement method of avoiding transition resistance

  19. 地铁轨地过渡电阻自动测量系统

    Auto-Measuring system for Track to Earth transition resistance in Subway

  20. 零序电抗继电器抗过渡电阻能力分析

    Ability Analysis of Zero-Sequence Reactance Relay Against Transient Resistance

  21. 接地距离保护采用自适应控制消除过渡电阻的影响

    Ground-fault Distance Protection Adopting Adaptive Control to Eliminate the Affection of Transition Resistance

  22. 一种消除过渡电阻对距离保护影响的新算法

    A New Algorithm of Eliminating the Impact of Transient Resistance to Distance Relay

  23. 在不同过渡电阻、不同故障距离点情况下的仿真结果证明,该故障定位方法准确可靠。

    Simulations under conditions with different transition resistors and different fault distances prove its accuracy .

  24. 有载调压变压器有载分接开关过渡电阻引线烧断原因简析

    Analyzing the Reasons of Transition Resistance Wire Fused in On-load Tap Changer of On-load Regulating Transformer

  25. 距离保护特性元件躲过渡电阻能力分析与研究

    Analysis and research on the ability of distance protection element standing the influence of transition resistance

  26. 固态继电器直接连接在配电变压器高压绕组与中性点之间,采用过渡电阻限制分接头变换回路的环流值;

    The solid state relays are connected between primary side windings and neutral line of transformer .

  27. 该方法基本上不受系统运行方式和过渡电阻大小影响。

    The method is not influenced by the operating mode of the system and transient resistance .

  28. 用六序分量补偿过渡电阻的双回线准确故障定位方法

    A new accurate fault locator of the double circuit line using six-sequence components at one terminal

  29. 通过对测量值的线性拟合,能估计出过渡电阻为零时的测量距离。

    Through simulating measured values , the measured distance of zero fault resistance can be estimated .

  30. 该算法能根据过渡电阻的大小自动补偿故障距离的测量误差,具有对过渡电阻的自适应特性。

    This algorithm can automatically compensate the distance measurement errors based on the value of transition resistance .