
  1. 过去,人的性“善”、性“恶”之辩都是各家之言。

    Opinions on human nature , good or evil , differed from person to person in the past .

  2. 此外,令人感到惭愧的是,这次代表新加坡参赛的辩手都是来自中国的留学生。

    Besides , it is embarrassing that all the members of the Singapore team were students from China .

  3. 奇虎的律师昨天在法庭上辩解说用户都有权摆脱增值插件,扣扣保镖事实上是在帮助用户并确保健康的市场竞争。

    Qihoo lawyers argued in the court yesterday that users are entitled to get rid of value-added plug-ins and its Koukou guard is actually helping users and ensuring healthy market competition .

  4. 由于正式辩论前,我指导各班选手做过试辩,每个选手都清楚评分标准、辩论程序和一些辩论技巧。

    Due to the trial competitions I instructed before the formal ones , every competitor is well aware of the scoring criteria , the competition procedure , and some of the debating skills .