
  • 网络Defences;defense;excuse defenses
  1. 时机成熟辩护理由通常反映的是审慎的考虑。

    Usually , however , the ripeness defense reflects prudential considerations .

  2. 在英美法系国家,被胁迫行为是作为一项合法辩护理由而存在的。

    In common law countries , was coercion as a legitimate defense exists .

  3. FrancescaGino:“我们发现,创造力可使人更灵活,所以他们更容易为自己要做的事编出辩护理由,结果就是,他们更容易欺骗。”

    By comparison , people who were more intelligent but less creative were not more likely to cheat . Professor Gino says creative people are better at creating excuses to justify their actions to themselves . FRANCESCA GINO : " What we find is that that creativity leads people to be more morally

  4. 程序上的限制主要是允许法定的辩护理由和善意辩护制度的存在。

    Procedural limitations mainly include prescribed defence reasons and good faith defence .

  5. “没听说过外国那些无人知晓的法律”不能作为辩护理由。

    Not having heard of an obscure foreign rule is no defence .

  6. 例如,在“艾博特试验室”案里,即否决了时机成熟辩护理由。

    For example , a ripeness defense was rejected in Abbott Labs itself .

  7. 啊,又是老掉牙的“努力工作和好的动机”辩护理由。

    Ah yes the old * " Hard working and well intentioned " bit .

  8. 但在高层建筑方面,中国的身高控可能更难找到辩护理由。

    When it comes to tall buildings , Chinese gigantism may be harder to defend .

  9. 再来看最后一个比较普遍的辩护理由:商学院的所作所为是有意义的。

    This leaves one common , final defence : what business schools are doing works .

  10. “没人能预见到这场灾难”则是一个常见的辩护理由。

    " No one could possibly have anticipated this disaster " is another common line of defence .

  11. 各公司急于和解的另一个原因是,不知情并不是一种充分的辩护理由。

    Another reason companies are quick to settle is that lack of knowledge is not an adequate defence .

  12. 这一法律结果是可耻的,而埃克尔斯通的辩护理由也很荒谬。

    The legal outcome is scandalous , and is almost matched by the absurdity of Mr Ecclestone 's defence .

  13. 精神障碍在法治国家已经成为一项重要的辩护理由,精神障碍抗辩是当事人的基本诉讼权利。

    Mental disorder has been an important defense in the action , and it is also a crucial right for the litigant .

  14. 记者不联系一位在生物技术领域工作的科学家以求得权威性的观点,这种做法没有什么好的辩护理由。

    There is no good reason why a given journalist cannot contact a scientist working in biotechnology for an authoritative point of view .

  15. 军方专家说,即使辩护理由能证明曼宁遭到了非法对待,但是翻案的可能性不大。

    Military experts say even if the defense can prove Manning was illegally punished , they doubt the entire case will be dropped .

  16. 与本章前面讨论过的题目不同、优先管辖权理论不是对机关行为司法复审的一个辩护理由。

    Unlike the preceding topics examined in this chapter , the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is not a defense to judicial review of agency action .

  17. 如果使用算法的意图仅仅是为相关职位招募最佳人选,那可能是个足够好的辩护理由。

    If the intention of the algorithm is simply to recruit the best people for the job , that may be a good enough defence .

  18. 因此,鉴于这一裁决,我们以色列自己的法律也拒绝了被告人以此作为辩护理由的法律权利。

    Therefore , in the light of the ruling , our own law in Israel has denied the accused the legal right to submit such a defence .

  19. 此举将可能意味着缅军官员将控制该旅日常指挥,从而推翻北掸邦军高级官员的为所做决定的辩护理由。

    Such a move would likely mean that Burmese officials would assume the running of the brigades , thus undermining the senior official 's defense of the group 's decision .

  20. 第28条所述有关公开展示事物之辩护理由如证明成立,则不得根据第(1)款颁发命令。

    An order shall not be made under subsection ( 1 ) if the ground of defence under section 28 is proved in respect of the public display of any matter .

  21. 20年来美国未能在自身减排上采取果断措施,对此美国参议院的辩护理由一直是:只有中国采取了行动,美国才会采取相应措施。

    The US 's failure to act decisively on its own emissions for two decades has long been defended by the Senate on the basis that the US should act only if China does as well .

  22. 在坚持无罪推定及控方对犯罪的基本事实承担证明责任的基础上,同时将一些作为辩护理由的事实交由被告人证明,有利于查清事实真相和提高诉讼效率。

    On the premise of insisting the principle of presumption of innocence and the prosecutors ' burden of proof , the defendant proves a part of facts , which is helpful to ascertain the truth and improve the efficiency of lawsuit .

  23. 必须始终把公众的安全放在首位是一句颇有说服力的口号&但前提是公众真的相信自己的安全受到了威胁。没人能预见到这场灾难则是一个常见的辩护理由。

    The safety of the public must always come first is a compelling mantra – but only if the public really believe their safety is in jeopardy . No one could possibly have anticipated this disaster is another common line of defence .

  24. 论辩护词理由部分涉及的主要问题

    On the Principal Problems concerning the Expression of Defence

  25. 她替他找辩护的理由。

    She was ready to find excuses for him .

  26. 具有讽刺意味的是,在为行业并购辩护的理由中,这种名声排在了前列。

    Ironically , this reputation is at the front line in its takeover defence .

  27. 他拥有极其充分可为自己辩护的理由。

    He has a strong case .

  28. 但那些选择在扶梯上站立不动的乘客也有为自己辩护的理由,他们告诉那些行人不要那么没耐心。

    But the people who stand on escalators defend themselves by telling the walkers not to be so impatient .

  29. 他们为自己辩护的理由是,古巴正处于和美国政府进行未公开战争中,因为美国政府意图破坏古巴改革。

    Their justification is that Cuba is in a midst of undeclared war with the shameless US administration which is determined to undermine the Cuban revolution .

  30. 据官方媒体称,该公司为其商标辩护的理由是,许多人——包括4600名中国公民——都叫乔丹这个名字,乔丹这两个字让人联想起中国南方常见的草和树木。

    It has defended its trademarks by saying that many people - including 4600 Chinese citizens - have the name Jordan , and that the characters comprising the name evoke grass and trees found in southern China , according to state-run media .