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  • 网络glorious history
  1. 在网上购物发展初期,B2C拥有过一段辉煌的历史,然而现在,与B2B和C2C相比,B2C发展很不景气。

    In the early days of online shopping , B2C had a glorious history , but now , compare with B2B and C2C , B2C development is very depressed .

  2. 探讨在城市老街区更新发展过程中如何以CI理论为参照模式,使城市老街区在未来的更新发展过程中能够重现其辉煌的历史,从而促进城市的经济发展。

    This paper discussed how to make historical district re-appear the glorious history in future development , regarding CI strategy as mode during the reconstruction and development of historical district , in order to promote the economic development of the city .

  3. 中东地区曾有过辉煌的历史,只是在近代以来衰落了。

    Middle East has declined since modern era , however it had possessed of refulgent history .

  4. 从《人物》(People)、《造型》(InStyle)、《时代》周刊(Time)到《财富》杂志,这些品牌都拥有辉煌的历史,而且时至今日依然保持盈利。

    The brands themselves , which range from people to InStyle to time and fortune , have a distinguished history and they remain profitable overall .

  5. H制药制剂业务在计划经济时代曾有着辉煌的历史,规模、利润及品牌影响力在医药行业处于领先地位。

    In the planned economy era , pharmaceutical dosage business of Company H also had been taking industry leading position in revenue size , profitability and brand awareness .

  6. 从它辉煌的历史记录中,我们能够期待OIL公司和ONGC公司能用它优秀的管理、技术和翻译队伍的技巧最好的进行运作。

    Given their superb track record , we can expect OIL and ONGC to bring to their operation the finest in terms of managerial , technical and interpretive skills .

  7. 勇士有着悠久而辉煌的历史,而就在刚刚,他们打出了NBA历史上最残暴的西决统治。

    The Warriors are an elite team , not just this year , but historically , and have just capped off the most dominant Western Conference finals run , regardless of opponent , in NBA history .

  8. 江西省民办高等教育有着辉煌的历史。

    Private Higher Education in Jiangxi Province , has a glorious history .

  9. 在这个辉煌的历史时刻。

    That there is one glorious moment in time .

  10. 她有一段悠久而辉煌的历史,这是我们所引以为傲的。

    It has a long and brilliant history , which are our pride .

  11. 中国动画曾经有过非常辉煌的历史,已取得骄人的成就;

    Chinese animation with a very glorious history has already achieved the remarkable success .

  12. 敦煌有着辉煌的历史文化。

    Dunhuang has a glorious history and culture .

  13. 辉煌的历史时期,宝贵的历史经验。

    Glorious history , valuable historical experience .

  14. 老人涂料公司是中国大陆最早的建筑装饰漆生产厂家,曾经有着辉煌的历史。

    Hempel is the earliest manufacturer of decorative paint in Mainland , which has a brilliant history .

  15. 淮扬菜在其漫长的发展过程中曾演绎过辉煌的历史。

    Huaiyang cuisine , in its long developing process , has witnessed a period of brilliant history .

  16. 悠久辉煌的历史

    Long and Splendid History

  17. 因为我们有几千年悠久而辉煌的历史,我们还有人性和良知!

    Because we have several thousand years long and glorious history , we have human nature and conscience !

  18. 中国动画有过骄傲和辉煌的历史,曾在亚洲处于领先地位。

    Chinese animation has been proud and glorious in history , which had a leading position in Asia .

  19. 关中民居做为中国西北地区特色建筑有着辉煌的历史,但作为现代地域文化中的城市和建筑面临着逐渐衰落和消亡的危险。

    As an urban and architectural character of the local culture is facing the danger of gradual decline and demise .

  20. 河南电视台作为电视媒体,已走过了40年辉煌的历史,取得硕果累累。

    Henan TV station as the TV media , has gone through 40 years of glorious history , and achieved fruitful .

  21. 英国有着辉煌的历史,而皇家海军则是支撑大英帝国的一根重要支柱。

    Britain has the magnificent history . Moreover , the royal navy was considered as a important prop supports to Great Britain .

  22. 研究过去的和现在的世界科学中心及其转移,研究其究竟,并不只为知晓那段辉煌的历史。

    Researching for the past and present of world science center and its transfer is not only to know its glorious history .

  23. 这意味着,对冲基金可以创造辉煌的历史业绩,但不能保证持之以恒。

    This implies that a hedge-fund manager can build up a brilliant track record-but with no guarantee that he can keep it up .

  24. 中东地区曾有过辉煌的历史,只是在近代以来衰落了,目前仍处在不发达状况。

    Middle East has declined since modern era and still now in status of underdevelopment , however it had possessed of refulgent history .

  25. 中国古代教育曾有过辉煌的历史,但在步入近代社会时却暴露了一些弊端。

    In China , ancient education had the glorious times , but it had its disadvantages when the education enters the modern society .

  26. 在中华文明构成中,汉水文化具有极其重要的政治、经济、文化地位和悠久辉煌的历史。

    Among Chinese civilizations , Hanjiang River Culture has its very important status of politics , economy , culture and long splendid history .

  27. 拉法贝尼特斯告诫他的球员们,忘记2005年对阵切尔西的胜利,继续创造更辉煌的历史。

    Rafa Benitez has told his players to forget about their historic triumph over Chelsea in2005 and get on with making more history .

  28. 研究背景我国的农村合作医疗制度在20世纪六、七十年代有过辉煌的历史,覆盖了约90%的农村人口。

    [ Background ] During 1960s to 1970s , Cooperative Medical Scheme in China has covered more than 90 % of rural residents .

  29. 中国茶业曾经拥有辉煌的历史,华茶贸易曾经在长时间内居世界首位。

    Chinese tea once owned glorious history . The trade of Chinese tea once was in the long run the highest in the world .

  30. 奥地利有着辉煌的历史,其高等教育也取得了骄人的成绩,在世界高等教育史上具有举足轻重的影响。

    Austria enjoys a splendid history and her higher education has made great achievements , which carries weight in world history of higher education .