
  1. 轻客银牌落谁家?

    Who will win the silver medal of light bus ?

  2. 现在,华晨来到了一个更为困难的时刻。在市场寒流中,华晨金杯赖以为生的轻客市场已近饱和,轿车产品三年固守单一车型、销量逐年下滑。

    The light passenger car market is nearly saturating , the sales of its cars are decreasing .

  3. 随着国际原油价格的攀升,国内皮卡、轻客等车型柴油化的需求相当迫切。

    As international crude price rises , urgent diesel demand emerges from such domestic models as pickup and light passenger car .

  4. 年纪最轻的登山客征服圣母峰

    Youngest Climber Ever Conquers Everest