
  • 网络Software Process;Software Procedure
  1. 软件过程的OPEN描述与面向过程的CASE环境

    Software Process Description OPEN and Environment of Process-Oriented CASE

  2. 这种以架构为中心的、增量的、迭代的开发思想正是统一软件过程(UnifiedSoftwareProcess)的核心思想所在。

    The architecture-centered , incremental and iterated development thinking is the core of the unified software process .

  3. 基于UML活动图的软件过程建模合理性问题的研究

    Research on model checking of software process based on UML activity graph

  4. 小组软件过程TSP侧重于开发小组的管理与协作。

    TSP emphasizes the management and cooperation of the developing team .

  5. 引进ISO标准规范软件过程

    Import ISO standard to standardize software process

  6. 用RUP软件过程开发MIS

    Developing MIS with RUP Software Procedure

  7. CMM模型及对软件过程的改进

    CMM model and improving software process with it

  8. 基于CMM软件过程改进的简化框架和进度规划模型研究

    The Research on Schedule Schema Model and the Improved Simplified Framework of CMM Software Process

  9. 基于CMM的软件过程管理系统

    Software Process Management System Based on CMM

  10. 软件过程RUP的探讨

    An Exploration into Software Process RUP

  11. 在Asset中有两个重要的数据库,即组织软件过程数据库和软件过程相关文档库。

    There are two important databases in the Asset , one is organization software process database s and the other is the related documentation of software process database .

  12. 软件过程与CMM

    Software process and CMM

  13. 本文提出了一种应用CMM软件过程、运用面向对象的方法、使用UML建模语言进行系统建模的过程。

    The paper put forwards one kind of system modeling procedure by deploying CMM software procedure , applying Object-Oriented Method and using UML modeling language .

  14. 为了提高基于CMM的软件过程质量,应有效地支持和监视软件过程的实施。

    To improve the software process quality based on CMM , the enactment of the software process should be supported and monitored effectively .

  15. 正交缺陷分类(ODC)技术是一种对软件过程的有效性进行量化测量的方法。

    ODC technology is a quantitative means of software process measurement based on defect analysis .

  16. 继而通过进一步比较CMM和XP在质量保证措施上的差异,提出了基于XP的标准软件过程用以实施CMM。

    After this , we listed the differences between CMM and XP about QA and bring forward a XP-based standard software process to help implementing CMM .

  17. 能力成熟度模型(CMM)和ISO/IEC15504是国际上关于软件过程能力评价的两个主要标准,它们分别从不同的角度为组织的软件过程改进提供了方向。

    Capability Maturity Model ( CMM ) and ISO / IEC 15504 are two leading standards concerning software process assessment . They provide from different perspectives two approaches to software process improvement .

  18. 针对TSP的过程特点,以软件过程中的活动为核心,建立了TSP仿真模型的动念模型的时间Petri网模型。

    According to the characteristic of TSP , regards activity in the software process as the core , the article provide the dynamic model of TSP simulation model defines based on the Time Petri nets .

  19. 小组软件过程(TSP)为一般中小型软件企业规范软件开发和改进过程能力提供了有效而实际的帮助,如何有效地管理一个TSP项目尚待研究。

    Team software process ( TSP ) can help the enterprise in middle or small size improve its capability in software development and process . It needs to study how to manage a TSP project .

  20. 为了应对这些问题,业界使用项目管理解决方案代替以前的人工管理来管理项目。SPIF(?)软件过程集成框架:SoftwareProcessIntegrationFramework)是基于CMM/CMMI模型的支持软件开发生命周期的过程管理工具。

    To address these issues , the industry use project management solution in place of the previous manual management to manage development projects . SPIF ( Software Process Integration Framework ) is based on the CMM / CMMI models , supporting software development life cycle process management tool .

  21. 在扼要论述了CMM的背景与发展现状后,描述了软件过程改进的实用框架:AA框架,并阐明AA框架对国内软件企业进行软件过程改进的意义。

    After briefly disserting the background and developmental actuality of CMM , we describe a Practical Frame of Software Process Improvement : AA frame , and illuminate the significance of AA frame for national software enterprises to improve their software process .

  22. 首先介绍了与CMM有关的概念、CMM软件过程成熟度等级模型以及软件过程和能力评估方法,并在此基础上提出了一种提高软件企业CMM等级的途径。

    This paper firstly introduces the related concepts and levels of CMM as well as the assessment methodology of software process and capability , and based on the introduction , presents an approach to promote the CMM levels of a software company .

  23. 本文介绍软件过程的概念及其框架,通过分析软件过程改进的动机,给出其改进的环境框架和基本步骤。并讲述了一种提高软件过程能力途径的CMM。

    The article introduces the concept and frame of the course of the software , through analysing the improved motive of the software course , provide its improved environmental frame and basic steps , and discuss the CMM which improves the course ability way of software .

  24. 真正有效管理软件过程的关键是定量管理。

    Quantitative management is the key of efficient software process management .

  25. 过程剪裁在软件过程连续改进中的应用

    The Application of Process Tailoring in Continuous Improvement of Software Process

  26. 关于软件过程工程概念框架的研究

    An investigation for the conception framework of software process engineering

  27. 实施小组软件过程提高成熟度等级

    Implementation of Team Software Process to Improve Maturity Level

  28. 软件过程的效率性能提高了产品的质量以及投资者的满意度。

    The efficient performance of software processes enhances product quality and stakeholder satisfaction .

  29. 极限编程的软件过程探讨

    An Inquiry into the Software Process of Extreme Programming

  30. 基于过程模式建立了软件过程实施系统。

    Based on process patterns , a software process implementation system is built .