
zhuàn lún
  • runner;reel
转轮 [zhuàn lún]
  • [reel] 烘炉的立式转轮,由成对的相连的辐臂组成,臂上悬挂烘盘的托架

转轮[zhuàn lún]
  1. 轴流式水轮机转轮CAD系统的开发设计

    Developing and design of the CAD system for kaplan turbine runner

  2. 基于PRO/E的水轮机转轮三维造型

    3-D Design of Hydro Turbine 's Runner based on Pro / E

  3. 轴流式转轮叶片水力设计CAD系统

    CAD System of Axial Flow Runner Blades Hydraulic Design

  4. 混流式水轮机转轮CAD

    Rotary wheel CAD of the mixed flow style hydroturbine

  5. 混流式水轮机转轮X型叶片的水力特性

    Hydraulic Performance of X-type Blade Used in France Turbine

  6. ANSYS软件在斜流式转轮强度分析中的应用

    Application of ANSYS to Analyzing Strength of Inclined-flow Runner of Turbine

  7. 轴流式转轮叶片奇点分布法CAD软件设计与研究

    Study of CAD Software for Designing Axial Flow Hydraulic Turbine 's Runner by Method of Singular Point Distribution

  8. 基于CFD灯泡混流式水轮机转轮水力设计的研究

    Research on Hydraulic Design of Bulb-francis Turbine Runner Based on CFD

  9. CFD技术在水轮机转轮抗空蚀改造中的应用

    Application of CFD Technique in the Anti-Cavitation Renovation of Water Turbine Runner

  10. 基于CFD分析的轴流式转轮叶片刚强度分析

    Rigidity / strength analysis of the axial flow blades based on CFD

  11. 研究了转轮叶片材料的疲劳AE特性。

    The fatigue AE characteristics of the runner blade material were studied .

  12. 利用IDEAS软件对大型混流式水轮机组转轮进行有限元计算,求得转轮叶片的应力分布情况和转轮的固有频率。

    With the finite element software IDEAS , the strain distribution of the vanes of hydraulic turbine and the natural frequency of the rotor wheel was calculated .

  13. 为提高轴流式转轮叶片水力设计的精度和速度,开发出水力设计CAD系统。

    In order to raise the accuracy and speed of the hydraulic design of the axial flow runner blades , the paper developed a runner CAD system .

  14. 转轮法即将成为IEC合成绝缘子正式标准中的试验方法。

    Tracking wheel test will soon be adopted as a formal ageing test of IEC document .

  15. 提出了AE特征参数的提取方法以及转轮裂纹源的定位方法。

    The feature extraction of the AE parameters and source location of the runner cracks were studied .

  16. 中缝背核在踏转轮运动昼夜节律和光诱导脑内c-fos表达中的作用

    Role of Dorsal Raphe Nucleus in Wheel-Running Circadian Rhythm and in Photic Induction of c-fos Expression in Brain

  17. 大型Kaplan水轮机转轮密封改进

    Improvement of runner seal of large Kaplan turbine

  18. 在给定叶片速度矩Vθr分布、厚度分布和转轮轴面流道几何形状的条件下,实现了混流式水轮机转轮的全三维有旋流动设计。

    The design of Francis runner in the three-dimensional rotational flow can be performed according to the V θ r distribution 、 flow channel and the blade with given thickness distribution .

  19. 主要取得了以下成果:1.研究了转轮上AE信号的衰减特性。

    The following achievements had been obtained : 1 . The attenuation characteristics of AE signals propagated across the runner were researched .

  20. 本装置采用转轮式结构,转轮的转轴与外壳之间填充有蜂窝状基材,基材上附着结构稳定且吸附量大的钙X分子筛吸附剂。

    It is full of cellular material between the revolving shaft and shell of the rotating wheel . Ga-X molecular sieves with high adsorption capacity and stable structure are adhered to cellular material .

  21. GHP结合除湿转轮的复合空调系统研究

    Study of a Hybrid Air-conditioning System Incorporating GHP and Desiccant Wheel

  22. 利用PIV流场测试技术,对低比速混流式模型水泵水轮机转轮在水轮机工况下进行了可视化研究。

    In this paper , the PIV technology is used to study the flow field of hydraulic pump-turbine model runner in hydraulic turbine condition .

  23. 三峡水轮机额定出力710MW,转轮直径达10m,是目前世界上出力最大、尺寸最大的混流式水轮机。

    At the Three Gorges Project the turbine has a rated output of 710 MW and the runner has a diameter of 10 m.

  24. 利用A475a170转轮替代P2170转轮,振动减轻,出力增加,效率提高,增容减振效果明显。

    The results of decreasing vibration , increasing output and the raising efficiency of the turbine were obtained replaced P2_170 runner byA475a_170 runner .

  25. 本文采用有限元法对带半叶片的混流式转轮的S1流面进行了流场计算。

    In this paper , the finite element method is used for the calculation of S1 streamline surface of Francis turbine runner with half vanes .

  26. 以奇点分布法为基础,利用VISUALBASIC和AutoCAD开发出低比速轴流式转轮叶片水力设计CAD软件,解决了多哇电站冬季发电问题,并给出了算例。

    Basing on method of singularity distribution , a software for hydraulic design of low specific speed axial-flow runner blades is developed with Visual Basic and AutoCAD . An example to demonstrate and explain its usage is given , also .

  27. 在低水头电站中,设计水头在10m以下时,水轮机的转轮直径相对较大,而机组的转速相对很低。NET开发平台环境下进行开发。

    For the low head hydro power station , the diameter of turbine will be relatively large , and the rated speed will be very low as well if the rated net head is lower than 10m .

  28. 每个水轮机转轮的最大外径10m,重450t,单机容量700MW。

    The turbine runner is 10m in diameter , weighs 450t , and unit capacity is 700 MW .

  29. 因而本文将从流体动力学和结构力学的角度分析裂纹的产生机理,并结合CFD技术探析现代型混流式转轮叶片的设计方法,旨在能给出合理的叶片设计或修型方案。

    Combining with CFD technology , the author in this analyse the modern Francis turbine runner design method , and , puts forward a new and reasonable design method which can be used in runner plane repairing in the future .

  30. 巴基斯坦N-J项目低比转速水轮机转轮水力优化设计

    Hydraulic Optimization Design of Low Specific Speed Turbine Runner of N-J Project in Pakistan