
  • 网络rotor imbalance
  1. 本文论述了转子不平衡的故障机理、故障类型、振动特征,并对现场动平衡的方法手段加以论述。

    This article dissertates the fault principle , types and vibration character of the rotor imbalance , and the methods of dynamic balance .

  2. 第二章从理论上分析了旋转机械转子不平衡、动静碰摩、转子不对中、自激振动和部件松动等几种常见的故障并总结了其主要故障特征,为汽轮机转子振动状态预测提供理论指导。

    In the second chapter , the common faults of rotor imbalance , rubbing , rotor misalignment , oscillation and components loose etc. have been analyzed in theory and their main feature have been given out . All of these provide the guidance of turbine state prediction .

  3. 本文以G4-73-11通风机为研究对象,用CLIPS语言建立了故障诊断专家系统。以转子不平衡故障模块为例,引入故障判定树和开放式知识库。

    Thes article takes CLIPS to construct the fault diagnosis expert system of centrifugal fan G4-73-11 , Taking the rotor unbalance fault as an example , it introduces the fault decision tree and open knowledge warehouse .

  4. 转子不平衡引起的轴承与轴颈碰摩

    Collision and Rub between Bearing and Journal Caused by Rotor Unbalance

  5. 柔性转子不平衡响应与传递力的分析

    Analysis on Unbalance Response and Force Transmissibility of a Flexible Rotor

  6. 模拟转子不平衡响应数值分析及实验研究

    Calculation Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Simulation Rotor in Imbalance Response

  7. 滚珠自动控制转子不平衡响应的动力学机理

    Dynamic Mechanism of Unbalancing Response of Rotor Controlled by Balls Automatically

  8. 球形转子不平衡量的计算

    The analytical determination of static disbalance for the ball rotors

  9. 旋转机械转子不平衡故障的诊断与分析

    Fault Diagnosis and Analysis of Rotor Imbalance of Rotating Machinery

  10. 离心鼓风机转子不平衡响应计算的实践

    Practice on Rotor Unbalance Response Computation for the Centrifugal Blower

  11. 球形转子不平衡量的一种自动测量方法

    Automatic method to measure mass unbalance of spherical rotor

  12. 转子不平衡对转轴系统振动低频分量的影响

    Influence of Unbalance on Low-Frequency Vibration of Rotor-Bearing System

  13. 转子不平衡是引起旋转机械强烈振动的主要故障源,自动平衡技术能够在设备运转过程中对转子进行自动平衡,因而具有良好的工程应用价值。

    Rotating unbalance is a major source of harmful vibration affecting rotating machines .

  14. 超微型转子不平衡量研究

    Research into the Unbalance of Super Miniature - Rotor

  15. 提出了超前-滞后校正陷波器,实现了转子不平衡振动响应抑制。

    A notch filter with lead-lag correction is proposed for unbalance vibration suppression .

  16. 电磁轴承支承的刚性转子不平衡力的周期性迭代补偿

    Periodic iterative compensation on unbalance forces of rigid rotor with electromagnetic bearing supports

  17. 多跨转子不平衡载荷在线识别的一种新方法

    A New Method of On-Line Identification of Unbalanced Forces of the Multi-Span Rotor

  18. 高速挠性转子不平衡诊断及整机动平衡处理

    Unbalance Diagnosis for High Speed Flexible Rotor & Balance Treating for the Whole Unit

  19. 在机械全部故障中,转子不平衡引起的故障约占60%。

    Over sixty percents of all the machinery fault are due to unbalanced rotor .

  20. 识别诊断采用了模糊数学方法和频谱分析方法,诊断出的主要故障:转子不平衡;不对中;

    Fuzzy mathematic method and frequency spectrum analyzing method are used in the diagnosis .

  21. 用振幅测量原理确定转子不平衡量的计算

    The Calculation to Determine Unbalance Value of Rotators Using the Principle of Amplitude Measurement

  22. 水轮发电机转子不平衡测试分析

    Analysis of the Unbalance Measurement for Hydrogenerator Rotor

  23. 柔性转子不平衡响应及初始弯曲振动特性研究

    A Study on the Vibration of Flexible Rotor due to Its Initial Bending and Unbalance

  24. 非线性电磁力作用下的转子不平衡响应和界限碰摩转速

    Unbalance Response and Threshold Speed of Touch-Rubbing of a Rotor Subjected to Nonlinear Magnetic Forces

  25. 包装工程自动化旋转机械转子不平衡特征分析

    The Analysis of the Unbalance Characteristic of the Whirl Machinery Rotor in Packaging Engineering Automation

  26. 转子不平衡是粉碎机最常见的运动故障原因之一。

    The imbalance of the rotor is one of the familiar running malfunctions for the muller .

  27. 转子不平衡的故障特征

    The Fault Feature of Rotor Unbalance

  28. 可变阻抗滑动轴承的动态特性及其对转子不平衡响应的影响

    Dynamic Characteristics of the Variable Impedance Journal Bearing and Its Influence on Unbalance Responses of a Rotor

  29. 应用DK&Ⅱ型扭振测试仪,进行了转子不平衡故障和不对中故障的扭转振动特征测试。

    Experiments are performed in the work by use of DK & ⅱ torsional vibration measurement system .

  30. 汽轮机动平衡技术研究及海洋条件下转子不平衡因素分析

    Research on dynamic balancing for steam turbine and analysis to the factors for rotator unbalance under ocean conditions