
shēn cái
  • figure;stature;build
身材 [shēn cái]
  • (1) [stature]∶在直立状态下的自然身高

  • 一个身材高大的男人

  • (2) [figure]∶指身体的高矮胖瘦

  • 身材苗条

  • 五短身材,白净面皮,没甚髭须,约有三十余岁。--《水浒传》第十四回

身材[shēn cái]
  1. 母亲身材矮小,只有5英尺高。

    Mother was of very small stature , barely five feet tall

  2. 他的矮小身材和政治观点使他成了受奚落的对象。

    He was lampooned for his short stature and political views .

  3. 她穿的那件宽松长裙掩饰了她的身材。

    Her size was camouflaged by the long loose dress she wore .

  4. 他老为自己身材矮小而觉得难为情。

    He 's always been self-conscious about being so short .

  5. 她的紧身连衣裙令身材显露无遗。

    Her tight-fitting dress left nothing to the imagination .

  6. 巧妙的裁剪可以使你的身材显得优美。

    Clever tailoring can flatter your figure .

  7. 我原以为她是一位身材娇小的金发女郎,但她恰恰相反。

    I thought she would be small and blonde but she 's the complete opposite .

  8. 她身材高挑且十分匀称。

    She was tall and perfectly proportioned .

  9. 我一直注意保持身材。

    I 'm watching my figure .

  10. 他身材真结实。

    He 's a real hunk .

  11. 她身材高瘦。

    She 's tall and thin .

  12. 她的身材保持得很苗条。

    She has kept very trim .

  13. 她身材修长,优雅大方。

    She was tall and elegant .

  14. 在我看来,要拥有完美身材就要非常苗条。

    My idea of physical perfection is to be very slender .

  15. 她是个60岁出头、身材矮小结实的女人。

    She was a short , sturdy woman in her early sixties

  16. 她的新年决心是要保持身材健美。

    She made a New Year 's resolution to get fit .

  17. 一个身材高大的女人站在灯光明亮的门口。

    In the lighted doorway stood the mountainous figure of a woman

  18. 司机是个大约30岁的身材苗条的年轻女子。

    The driver was a trim young woman of perhaps thirty .

  19. 特罗洛普家的所有男孩都是体格强壮、身材高大。

    All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall .

  20. 卡萝尔身材高大,黑发棕肤,是个有着拉丁风情的女子。

    Carol is a tall , dark , Latin type of woman

  21. 珍妮非常漂亮,身材苗条,有一双蓝色的眼睛。

    Jean is pretty , of slim build , with blue eyes .

  22. 完美的身材总是很难拥有。

    The perfect body has always been difficult to obtain .

  23. 珍妮特天生一头金发,身材曼妙。

    Janet was a natural blonde with a good figure .

  24. 他经常运动,以锻炼身体和保持身材。

    His body is honed and kept in trim with constant exercise .

  25. 她保持着苗条的身材,脸上也没有皱纹。

    She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles

  26. 谢里是个黑人,身材高挑,细声细语。

    Sherry is black , tall , slender and soft-spoken .

  27. 他身材魁梧,头发浓黑。

    He was a large man with thick dark hair .

  28. 身材瘦削而且训练艰苦的女运动员行经可能不那么频繁,或者根本不来月经。

    Lean hard-training women athletes may menstruate less frequently or not at all .

  29. 大多数身材发育迟缓者都会赶上他们的朋友。

    Most late developers will catch up with their friends

  30. 一位身材圆胖、面带笑容、满脸通红的先生出现了。

    A rotund , smiling , red-faced gentleman appeared .