- 名ankle clonus

As the disease progressed slowly , the patients presented with spastic paralysis of four extremities , reduced muscle strength ( 3 to 4 degree ), clasp-knife like of muscular tension , hyperactivity of tendon reflexes , ankle clonus and presence of Babinski sign .
The positive sign of ankle clonus is an another important sign .
Hypermyotonia and ⅳ - level myodynamia in both lower extremities , tendon hyperreflexia , knee cap clonus ( + ), ankle clonuses ( + ), Babinski sign ( + ), and flexion pathologic reflexes ( + );
The ankle clonus test in surgery of scoliosis
The ankle clonus test appeared significantly earlier than the wake-up test ( P < 0.001 ) .
Spasticity was assessed twice at the same time on different days within one week by the same doctor .
All ankle clonus and pathologic reflexes disappeared . The brisk knee reflex in 12 patients became sluggish after operation .
Therefore , the ankle clonus test had no false-negative or true-positive result and 4 false-positive results ( 8.16 % ) .
RESULTS Spasticity in lower extremities got lessened in all patients ( 100 % ), which showed decreasing of muscle tone , disappearance or decrease of ankle tremor and Babinski sign .
Results During the follow up of 3 to 6 months , all the sixteen patients showed decreasing of the muscular spasticity , disappearance or relief of the ankle tremor and Babinski sign .
Conclusion : The ankle clonus test is a safe , easily performed and early parameter for intraoperative monitoring the spinal cord function during corrective surgery of scoliosis and should be routinely scrutinized .