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  1. 发现了Δ-跳跃模式的很多重要性质。

    We find some interesting properties of Δ - jump patterns .

  2. 一种有效的字符串有序跳跃模式近似匹配算法

    Efficient Skip-Pattern Matching Algorithm for Approximate String Sequential Problem

  3. 组件匹配过程中利用有限自动机对跳跃模式的组件进行匹配查找;

    The automata is used to search the components of the patterns in the process of matching component .

  4. 近年来,数据挖掘界提出一种新的知识模式,称作跳跃显露模式(JumpingEmergingPatterns,JEP),用来表示两个数据集之间的重大差异。

    Jumping emerging patterns ( JEPs ), a new kind of knowledge patterns , were recently proposed to capture some crucial difference between a pair of datasets and some JEP-based classifiers were built .

  5. 在假设存在一个小特性控制Lyapunov函数的前提下,根据跳跃系统模式下的LaSalle稳定性定理,给出了使系统以概率1渐近稳定的反馈自适应控制律。

    Under the assumption that there exists jumping control Lyapunov function that satisfies the small control property , an adaptive feedback control law was provided to guarantee the global asymptotic stability with probability one of the closed-loop system according to the Markovian jumping versions of the well-known Lasalle stability theorem .

  6. 跳跃国际化模式策略主要有与跨国公司的协作、合资与集群策略。

    Jump internationalization strategy includes cor - relating with multinational company , jointing venture and gathering group strategy .

  7. 本文通过四点弯曲试验研究了含脱层的蜂窝夹芯板在纯弯载荷作用下的局部屈曲模式和破坏模式,指出局部屈曲模式是跳跃失稳模式。

    The modes of local buckling and general failure for honeycomb sandwich plates under pure bending loads are studied through four-point bending tests .

  8. 对意识流的研究有助于读者更好的理解文本结构,以及跳跃式思维模式中的意识流动。

    Research on Stream-of-consciousness texts can help readers get a better idea of the structures , the flow of the consciousness in the cluster of jumping mental images .

  9. 自动跳跃式PFM工作模式保证了轻载下的高效率。

    The auto-skip PFM mode boosts conversion efficiency during light load . 6 .

  10. 跳跃式经济发展模式及其路径选择

    The Leap Economic Development Pattern and its Paths for Realization

  11. 跳跃式经济发展模式研究

    A Study on Leap Economic Development Patten

  12. 本文分析了跳跃式经济发展模式的经济机制,说明了协调机制及其路径;

    This paper analyse the effects of the institutional structure and policy structure of the leap economic development Patten , put forward the conditions and measures to develop its general effects .

  13. 这种大跨度、跳跃式的设计模式使该金融机构能够有效抵御由台风、海啸、区域性大停电、甚至局部战争等各种重大威胁所引发的大规模运营中断。

    Such large-span , leaping was designed to enable financial institutions to effectively resist by typhoons , tsunamis , regional blackout , and even regional wars and other major triggered by the threat of large-scale interruption of operation .

  14. 提出了一系列新的概念:δ-覆盖图,跳跃值,δ-跳跃模式等。

    We propose several novel concepts such as δ - cover graph , jump value and δ - jump pattern .