
tiào sǎn tǎ
  • parachute tower
跳伞塔 [tiào sǎn tǎ]
  • [parachut tower] 一种高约50米的塔形建筑,作跳伞训练用

  1. 空降兵战士们正在利用跳伞塔练习跳伞技术。

    The soldiers are practicing parachute jumping with the help of the parachute tower .

  2. 跳伞塔跳伞和高空跳伞

    Parachuting from tower and from a great height

  3. 为确保跳伞塔顺利倒塌,在确定倒塌方向、制定爆破方案、设计爆破缺口、减小爆破震动等方面,都经过反复论证和科学验算后,才予以实施。

    For ensuring a smooth directional collapse the blasting operation was carried out after repeated discussion and scientific calculation of the blasting program , the designed blasting cut as well as the measures of minimizing blasting vibration .