
  1. 当你熟悉歌曲节奏和方向数时,一直闭眼跳会让你进步更快!

    When you are familiar with the song tempo and direction when the number has jumped eyes closed , you will progress faster !

  2. 有些人认为改变地球轨道太危险,其他一些人则担心由于这一跳会使地球轨道变长,所以要改写公历。

    Some believe it 's risky to alter Earth 's orbit , while others fear the jump will make the Gregorian calendar obsolete because of the length of Earth 's new orbit .

  3. 氦气球降落伞Q.如果我背着几罐氦气和一个巨大的未充气的气球从飞机上跳下来会怎么样?

    FALLING WITH HELIUM Q. What if I jumped out of an airplane with a couple of tanks of helium and one huge , un-inflated balloon ?

  4. Owney是如此的受欢迎,以至于这个月,邮政服务发行了一种有关它的互动电子书和一种手持设备的应用,在这个手持设备中三维立体的Owney看起来既会跳又会吠叫。

    So much so that , later this month , the Postal Service will launch an interactive e-book about him and an app for handheld devices in which a three-dimensional Owney look alike jumps and barks .

  5. 火鸡跳得会比帝国大厦高吗?

    Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building ?

  6. 如果语音数据包没有立即被处理,每一跳都会增加更多的延迟。

    Unless the voice packets are immediately de-queued , each hop will introduce more delay .

  7. 正如你的心跳,我会随著你跳我会随着你的灵魂的领导。

    I would beat with your heart as it beats , I would follow your soul as it leads .

  8. 是的,我知道了如何通过那个如果您在阳台设法跳您会卡住的地方。

    Oh yes , I have gotten past the part where you freeze if you try to jump up on the balcony .

  9. 如果你在寻找一个刺激的假期,那么世界上第一个商业性蹦极跳景点会是一个不错的开始。

    If you 're looking for an action-packed holiday , the world 's first-ever commercial bungee spot might be a good start .

  10. 如今,这项一年一度的盛事还与岛上的甘薯收获联系在一起一一次精彩的俯跳预示会有大丰收。

    These days , this annual event is also linked with the island 's yam harvest & a good jump signals a bumper crop .

  11. 现在的问题是如果玩家在第一次释放腐蚀术时,拼命堆急速,以后噬魂术刷新的腐蚀每一跳都会受到同样的急速加成。

    The problem here was that players could inflate the initial cast of Corruption and have the spell tick for that damage indefinitely as long as it was refreshed .

  12. 跳频信号中载频的跳变会引起多普勒频率的变化,这对距离的处理产生影响,必须进行速度门的处理。

    It will be affect the range processing that the frequency agile of carrier in frequency agile signal arouse the variety of Doppler frequency , so the compensate of velocity door is obligatory .

  13. 他们会跳摇滚,会跳探戈,就是不会跳博普舞。

    They can rock and roll , they can tango , but they can 't bop .

  14. 拜托别跳了我会跳舞

    Please , stop . I know how to dance .

  15. 你知道没有充分训练就跳人体金字塔会怎么样吗?

    You know what a human pyramid is without hours of training ?

  16. 双膝弯曲着跳,这样会缓解冲击力。

    Jump with your knees bent , so they absorb less impact .

  17. 逃课去跳蹦极者会被停学。

    Skipping school to bungee jump will get you suspended .

  18. 他们舞跳得肯定会比我们好。

    Their dance is totally gonna be better than ours .

  19. 谁会跳?我会跳。

    Who can hop ? I can hop .

  20. 我会跳,也会游泳,我能游得很快。

    Frog : I can jump and I can swim . I can swim very fast .

  21. 实战中,士兵要射击的时候不会跳,他会瞄准-射击。

    If a real soldier wants to shoot , he doesn 't jump , he aims and shoots .

  22. 它们在里面跳的时候会一次又一次撞到盖子。

    Fleas jump , so they will jump up and hit the top over and over and over again .

  23. 我坚信即使是万丈深渊,勇敢地跳下去也会是前途似锦。

    Yet I have a faith that I will cherish a bright future if jump in boldly , even if it is abyss .

  24. 你试图隐藏的东西最终还是会跳出来而且会造成更大的伤害。

    Whatever you withhold will still come out into the open soon enough and when it does it could make even more trouble .

  25. 摩尔告诉听众,如果他们在经过的那一时刻跳起来,会有一种飘浮感。

    Moore told listeners that if they jumped in the air at the exact moment of the planetary GetWord (" planetary "); alignment , they would experience a floating sensation .

  26. 啊,他若能跟那天黄昏我第一次见他时那样再从山崖边跳下去准会很高兴的,那地方在附近!

    Ah , but he would well content to precipitate himself over the hillside once again , as on the evening when he and I first encountered , close to the same spot !

  27. 每一次跳伞(特别是你在不同的美极了的地方跳)都会使你对周围的一切有更多的了解,而且这只会一次比一次好。

    Every jump ( especially if you make sure you do them in different stunning locations ), comes with a deeper understanding of the elements around you , and it only gets better .

  28. 穿着时装鞋再垫上鞋垫我没法跑跳自如,那样会受伤的。

    I couldn 't leap with just insoles and dress shoes .

  29. 它会跑吗?它会跳吗?它会游泳吗?

    Can it run ? Can it jump ? Can it swim ?

  30. 猫能跳,它也会爬树。

    A cat can move its ears .