
  • 网络Reuters;Reuters Group;Thomson Reuters;Reuters group plc
  1. 信息公司汤姆森路透集团将每天发表关于该病毒的一份疾病简报。

    Information company Thomson Reuters will publish a daily disease briefing on the virus .

  2. 根据研究机构NPD和路透集团提供的资讯,八月份消费者电子产品的价格加速下滑,较七月下降2.1%。

    According to research shop NPD and Reuters , price declines for consumer electronics " accelerated " in August , falling-2.1 % from July .

  3. 该排行评估了各大学在教学和研究上的国际声誉。这一排行基于对131个国家的1.3万名学者的调查。该调查是IpsosMedia公司为《泰晤士高等教育》杂志的排行数据供应商汤姆森路透集团在2010年开展的。

    It is based on a survey of 13388 academics from 131 countries , carried out in 2010 by Ipsos Media for the Times Higher Education magazine 's ranking-data supplier Thomson Reuters .

  4. 路透集团的理事最有可能否决这项合并,但他们批准了这项交易。

    Reuters trustees , who could have vetoed any takeover , endorsed the deal .

  5. 瑞士信贷认为,收购路透集团的成功性仅有60%。

    Credit Suisse puts the chances of success for the Reuters takeover at60 % .

  6. 据路透集团和益普索调查机构日前联合开展的一项全球民调显示,五分之一的成年人愿与宠物而非伴侣共度情人节。

    According to the recent joint poll held by Reuters Group and Iposos-MORI , 1 / 5 of the grow-ups would rather stay with their pets than their lovers on Valentines Day .