
  1. 很乐意,补路工说。

    ' Very willingly , ' said the mender of roads .

  2. 补路工又作了一次无懈可击的表演。

    Again the mender of roads went through the whole performance ;

  3. 补路工回答,伸出了手指。

    Returned the mender of roads , with extended finger .

  4. 三十五,补路工说。他看上去倒有六十。

    ' Thirty-five , ' said the mender of roads , who looked sixty .

  5. 这个补路工是个好伙伴,叫雅克。

    He is a good child , this mender of roads , called Jacques .

  6. 蒲辣秃柳儿,那个已经出现过的路工①。

    Boulatruelle , the road-mender already introduced .

  7. 那路工接着说,您不知道我们正在修路吗?

    Returned the road-mender , so you don 't know that the road is under repair ?

  8. 现在只有晚饭了,补路工露出饥饿的样子说。

    ' Nothing but supper now , ' said the mender of roads , with a hungry face .

  9. 我愿意工作,而不愿闲着。很乐意,补路工说。

    I prefer to work rather than sit idle . ' Very willingly , ' said the mender of roads .

  10. 因为他那高个儿,补路工一个指头放在鼻子面前细声地说。

    ' By his tall figure , ' said the mender of roads , softly , and with his finger at his nose .

  11. 德伐日太太把酒放到叫雅克的补路工面前,那人脱下蓝帽对大家敬了个礼,然后喝酒。

    Madame Defarge set wine before the mender of roads called jacques , who doffed his blue cap to the company , and drank .

  12. 没有,补路工恢复了直立姿势回答。用一根垂直弹簧补偿敏感元件的负荷。

    ' Never , ' answered the mender of roads , recovering his perpendicular . A vertical spring compensates for the weight of the sensing element .

  13. 补路工抬头望着不,是望穿了低矮的天花板,用手指着,好像看见绞架竖立在天空。

    The mender of roads looked through rather than at the low ceiling , and pointed as if he saw the gallows somewhere in the sky .

  14. 雅克一号和二号坐在铺了草垫的旧床上,下巴放在手上,眼睛盯着补路工。

    Jacques one and two sitting on the old pallet-bed , each with his chin resting on his hand , and his eyes intent on the road-mender ;

  15. 过些时候,蒲辣秃柳儿在那树林里的勾当停下来了,照旧规规矩矩做他的路工工作。大家也就谈旁的事情了。

    In the meantime , Boulatruelle 's manoeuvres in the forest ceased ; and he resumed his regular occupation of roadmending ; and people gossiped of something else .

  16. 德伐日站在他们跟那报信人之间他让报信人站在从窗户照进来的光线里。补路工的目光不断地从他转到他们,又从他们转到他身。

    Defarge standing between them and the narrator , whom he had stationed in the light of the window , by turns looking from him to them , and from them to him .

  17. 第三部分的内容为路工分层与工会,从工会的形成和发展入手,深入研究工会中的工人分层情况。

    The third part we proved form the workers in the labor unions , starting form the formation and the development of the labor unions , in depth study of the workers in the stratification .

  18. 正午时分两个风尘仆仆的人在晃动的街灯下经过了它的街道。一个是德伐日先生,另一个是戴着蓝帽的补路工。

    It was high noontide , when two dusty men passed through his streets and under his swinging lamps : of whom , one was Monsieur defarge : the other a mender of roads in a blue cap .

  19. 不过还有几个诚实的老婆子在说:“可以肯定,加尼的那个路工决不会无缘无故地费那么大劲,魔鬼是一定又来过了。”

    There were only a few brave gossips , who said ," You may be certain that the mender on the Gagny road did not take all that trouble for nothing ; he was sure that the devil had come . "

  20. 改良Watson-Jones手术入路行人工股骨头置换术

    Artificial Femoral Head Replacement Through The Modified Watson-Jones Approach

  21. 高速铁路高路堤的工后沉降研究,一直是工程界关心的问题之一。

    The investigation of the settlement of high embankment of the high-speed railway after construction is concerned by the engineers all the time .

  22. 旧路拓宽改建中土工格栅加筋的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of geogrid reinforced in road broaden construction

  23. 结果表明,由路桥结构的工后沉降差引起的轨而弯折变形是影响高速列车安全舒适运行的主要因素。

    It is shown that the track bending resulting from the settlement difference between bridge and subgrade is the main factor that influences the running safety and comfortization of high speed train .