
  • 网络Cross-Cultural Negotiation;cross-culture negotiation;Negotiating Across Cultures;intercultural negotiation
  1. 随着国际间贸易的增长和经济全球化的影响,跨文化谈判中的文化差异问题已引起广泛关注。

    Cultural difference in intercultural negotiation has been greatly noticed with the development of international trade and the influence of economic globalization .

  2. 跨文化谈判中的文化差异&美国与日本人的谈判行为比较

    The Cultural Differences in Intercultural Negotiation & - The Comparison of the Negotiation Behavior between American and Japanese

  3. 论四个跨文化谈判变量对国际商务谈判的影响

    The Impact of Four Cross-cultural Negotiation Variables on International Business Negotiation

  4. 论中美谈判过程中文化差异对跨文化谈判变量的影响

    The Impacts of Cultural Differences on Cross-Cultural Negotiation Variables in Sino-US Business Negotiations

  5. 日-美跨文化谈判研究及其对中国商务谈判的启发

    The Illumination from Cross-Culture Negotiations between Japan and America

  6. 本文从文化角度分析中西方跨文化谈判中的矛盾和冲突。

    This paper analyzes the conflicts and differences in cross-cultural negotiation from the cultural perspective .

  7. 尤其是依据跨文化谈判策略的研究,分析出北朝鲜的对外谈判策略。

    It is particularly true that the diplomatic negotiating strategy can be discovered through the research on cross-cultural negotiating strategy .

  8. 在跨文化谈判过程中,来自不同国家和不同文化背景的谈判者就共同的冲突和利益问题进行协商。

    In cross-cultural business negotiation , negotiators from different countries at the negotiation table contract mutual goals and conflicting interests .

  9. 最后也是最重要的,我想谈一些我研究的有关的跨文化谈判方面。

    The last but not the least , I would like to talk something about the cross-culture negotiation I researched .

  10. 第三,物质世界的研究,集中探讨了在跨文化谈判中非言语行为所起的角色和影响。

    Thirdly , as to the physical world , the thesis focuses on the role and impact of the nonverbal behaviors in Sino-US negotiation .

  11. 第二,社交世界的研究,强调文化维度,社会规范以及它们对跨文化谈判交际的语言使用的影响。

    Secondly , as to the social world , the thesis emphasizes the cultural factors , social factors and their great impact on the language use of Sino-US negotiation communication .

  12. 在跨文化谈判中,不同地域、民族、文化的差异必将影响到谈判者的思维、谈判风格和行为,从而影响到整个谈判的进程。

    In cross-cultural negotiations , the different geographies , nations and cultural differences will affect the negotiations on thinking , style and actions , thus affecting the whole negotiation process .

  13. 从中西文化差异的角度,探讨国际商务谈判的特点及文化差异对跨文化谈判结果的影响,并积极寻求我国涉外商务谈判的方法和策略,为我国的社会主义市场经济建设服务。

    This text attempts to research the characteristic of international commercial negotiation based on the differences between Chinese and Western culture , trying to seek commercial methods and tactics of intercultural negotiation , and serve for the construction of our socialist market-oriented economy .

  14. 以言语行为理论为基础,讨论了跨文化谈判各阶段言语行为的构成,即概说导入、明示需求、讨价还价、打破僵局、妥协让步以及达成协议等阶段的言语行为。

    Based on speech act theory , this paper mainly discusses the composition and expression of speech acts at different stages of negotiation , namely speech acts in gracefully starting , persuasively subject turning , tactfully bargaining , deadlock breaking , rationally concession and successfully agreement conclusion .

  15. 经济全球化下跨文化商务谈判的文化障碍研究

    The Cultural Barriers in Transcultural Business Negotiation under Economic Globalization

  16. 顺应论视野下的跨文化商务谈判语用失误

    Pragmatic Failures in Cross-cultural Business Negotiation : An Adaptation Approach

  17. 本文采用资料分析的方法研究跨文化商务谈判中的语言策略。

    The methodology in the thesis is a data-based analysis .

  18. 对跨文化商业谈判中非语言交流的分析

    An Analysis of Nonverbal Communication in Intercultural Business Negotiation

  19. 关联翻译论与跨文化商务谈判

    Relevance Theory of Translation and Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation

  20. 中德跨文化商务谈判行为研究

    The Analysis of Sino-German Cross-cultural Business Negotiation Behaviors

  21. 第一章回顾了文化的相关理论,并确定以霍夫斯泰德教授的文化纬度理论作为基本理论模型;同时介绍了谈判和跨文化商务谈判的相关理论。

    Theories on negotiation and intercultural business negotiation are also presented in this chapter .

  22. 跨文化商务谈判中应该注意的一些问题

    Problems in cross - cultural business negotiations

  23. 中美跨文化商务谈判中非语言交际的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Nonverbal Communication in Business Negotiations between China and the United States

  24. 其次,介绍了什么是跨文化商务谈判以及文化因素。

    Secondly , a brief introduction to intercultural business negotiation and culture influence are presented .

  25. 分析结果揭示出,在中德跨文化商务谈判中,谈判者的个人特征对谈判者的策略选择发生着影响;

    The results showed that negotiator 's characteristics had effects on negotiator 's strategy choices .

  26. 国际商务中的谈判技巧中德跨文化商务谈判行为分析

    The skills of international business negotiation Analysis of Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation Behaviors Between Chinese and German

  27. 最后给出了中德跨文化商务谈判行为的一些基本特征,并提供了相应的现实操作建议。

    Finally , the paper presents the characteristics of Sino-German business negotiation behaviors and some management implications .

  28. 本文讨论了这五种语言策略在跨文化商务谈判中的实际应用。

    The thesis discusses the practical application of these five general language strategies in intercultural business negotiations .

  29. 中西文化冲突与我国跨文化商务谈判对策

    Cultural Conflicts between China and Western Countries and Strategies Employed in the Process of Intercultural Business Negotiations

  30. 如何更好地进行跨文化商务谈判,则已成为中美谈判者一个亟待解决的问题。

    How to achieve better cross-cultural business negotiation between Chinese and American negotiators has become an urgent problem .