
ɡēn zhe ɡǎn jué zǒu
  • Follow your heart;follow one's heart;do what one thinks is right
  1. 所以,相信自己的直觉,跟着感觉走吧!

    So choose you this day to follow themagic path of intuition .

  2. 忘了地图,跟着感觉走吧。

    Then maybe we should just forget the map and wing it .

  3. 你会发现很难跟着感觉走。

    You 'll find it hard to contain the way you feel .

  4. 跟着感觉走我得在那儿装个摄像头

    Play a hunch . I need to get a camera in there .

  5. 我们跟着感觉走,你让我着迷得飞上了天。

    We were guided by our intuition ; you swept me offmy feet .

  6. 跟着感觉走,冒一下险。

    Go with your gut , and be willing to take a leap .

  7. 我给你的劝告是跟着感觉走。

    My advice would be to follow your heart .

  8. 我习惯跟着感觉走,但是我真的需要音乐。

    I take that as it comes , but I do need music .

  9. 我是跟着感觉走。

    I let my feelings be my guide .

  10. 最好的方法就是放松,跟着感觉走。

    The best approach is to relax and see where the flow takes you ...

  11. 但我跟着感觉走,最终作出了正确的选择。

    But , by following my feelings , I wound up doing the right thing .

  12. 我决定不了怎么做,所以只有跟着感觉走。

    I couldn 't decide what to do , so I just followed my heart .

  13. 这个国家已经变得如此重要,它不能再只是跟着感觉走、躲在更强大的国家后面。

    It has become too important just to follow its instincts and hide behind bigger powers .

  14. 换句话说,那些跟着感觉走的投资者“管理”自己情感的能力更强。

    In other words , those investors who listened to their emotions were better able to regulate them .

  15. 要精确,总是为您的陈述提出证据,至少总结出这些证据。说话时避免跟着感觉走。

    Be accurate , and always present ( or at least summarise ) the evidence for your argument .

  16. 当你终于有时间和精力跟着感觉走的时候,网络是你的好奇心的最好朋友。

    When you finally have time and head-space to follow your nose , the internet is curiosity 's best friend .

  17. 我在镇上跟着感觉走,寻找阿拉伯人的棕色眼睛。

    I have been feeling my way through town , searching the brown eyes of Arabs for some sign of recognition .

  18. 杰西卡:多谢你的建议,但我想我还是跟着感觉走吧。

    Jessica : Well , thanks for your recommendations , but I think I 'll just follow my heart and do what I feel .

  19. 还有一些人会跟着感觉走,转眼之间就到了他们梦想中的天堂。

    There are still other people who follow the magic path of intution and find themselves in their Promised Land in the twinkling of an eye .

  20. 也许很没意思吧!可我一直以来就是跟着感觉走。这根本就不对。我今天看了一篇关于人性格的文章。

    A JokeOnce upon a time , there was an old man who always insisted on buying companies at a very high prices , only to watch them fail or go bankrupt .

  21. 每个人内心的美丽才是生活的本质,简单地说,你就是你,不管是在你生活的任何阶段,都不要隐藏你自己,而是,去释放你自己,跟着感觉走!

    The beauty found in each and every person is the essence of life ... Simply , you are who you are and for whatever time you have to be , you must not try to shadow yourself , but , rather , express yourself ... let your spirit guide you !

  22. 唧唧其实并不清楚这一点,他只是在跟着这种感觉走。因为他一直在被这些恐惧的念头压迫着。

    Haw didn 't know it , but he was running behind because he was weighed down by fearful beliefs .

  23. 要跟着第一感觉走!把答案改错的历史教训是数不胜数的。

    Normally go with your first choice ! . history is replete with regret over changing from one answer to another !

  24. 开发视频游戏与开发其它行业相比没有什么差别,但我们总是视它为独一无二的,所以我们可以跟着我们感觉走。

    A video game is really no different to develop than these other industries , but we seem to treat it like it is highly unique , and therefore because of that we can do whatever we feel like .

  25. 你要跟着自己的感觉走。

    You gotta listen to your instincts .

  26. 这就是为什么别人会劝我们“跟着你的感觉走”。

    This is why people are sometimes told to " go with your gut " .

  27. 跟着你的感觉走。

    Follow your own intuition .

  28. 如果你不知道答案,那不妨跟着你的感觉走吧。

    If you don 't know the answer , you might as well go with your gut feeling .

  29. 我只是跟着最自然的感觉走。

    I went with what feels most natural .

  30. 我只是跟着自己的感觉冲动走而已。

    I was just acting on pure impulse .