
  • 网络Vietnamese Spring Roll;Spring Roll
  1. 正如你看到的,越南春卷,蔬菜的陷料。

    As you can see , It is Vietnamese spring rolls with vegetables stuffing .

  2. 华盛顿开了那末多亚洲饭馆,一家报纸的记者开玩笑地说,广东点心、日本生鱼片加饭团和越南春卷都已经变成像苹果排一样的美国食品了

    " So many Asian restaurants have opened up in Washington that a writer on a daily paper here jokes that dim sum , Japanese sushi and Vietnamese spring rolls have become as American as apple pie . "

  3. 还有越南风味的春卷和西式的糕点。

    There are also Vietnamese spring rolls and western-style cakes .