
  • 网络Vietnamese Culture;Culture of Vietnam
  1. 越南文化因此而呈现出明显的多元化特征。

    Therefore , Vietnamese culture is notably characterized by diversity .

  2. 在文化上,中国文化和越南文化是同源文化。

    In culture , Chinese culture and Vietnamese culture has the same source .

  3. 互动与反哺:越南文化对中国的影响

    Co-effect and Feed-back : On the Influence of Vietnam 's Culture to China

  4. 越南文化产业现状及与广西合作建议

    The Current Condition of Vietnam 's Culture and My Suggestion for Guangxi 's Cooperation

  5. 第三部分主要描述越南文化对中国文化的影响。

    The third part mainly describes the influence of Vietnamese culture on Chinese culture .

  6. 越南文化中的历史情结

    The History Complex in Vietnam 's Culture

  7. 汉语词对越南语的丰富和发展,对越南文化各个方面都产生了深刻影响。

    Words of Vietnamese the enrichment and development of cultural aspects in Vietnam , produces a profound influence .

  8. 从古至今,越南文化受到了中国文化的深刻影响,特别是精神信仰方面的影响表现尤为明显。

    In all ages , Chinese culture has great effect on Vietnamese culture , especially on the aspect of spiritual belief .

  9. 由于中国文化对越南文化产生了深远的影响,因此相似之处多于不同之处。

    In virtue of the deep influence that Chinese culture acts on Vietnamese culture ; these similarities are more prominent than differences .

  10. 在两国人民长达两千余年的交往历史中,中国文化对越南文化产生了全方位的影响。

    During the two countries ' over two thousand year long history of cross communication the Chinese culture has greatly influenced many aspects of the Vietnamese culture .

  11. 陈太乐说,传统的越南文化不习惯接受施舍,他父母拒绝领取福利,靠经营快餐和小花店为生。

    Traditional Vietnamese culture is uncomfortable accepting charity , Thai Le says , and his parents refused to draw benefits , supporting themselves by running a small snack and flower stand .

  12. 伴随着越南文化的开放政策,越南近几年的音乐也开始走向了快速发展之路,在音乐教育、音乐表演等领域都取得了瞩目的成就。

    Along with the open-door policy of the Vietnamese culture in recent years , Vietnamese music has rapidly developed and made many remarkable achievements in the field of music education and music performance .

  13. 本研究系统分析了越南文化与中国、西方文化的异同,提出了越南青少年人格与中国以及西方青少年存在相似性,但也有其独特性的假设。

    It systematically analyses the similarities and differences among Vietnam culture and Chinese and western culture , putting forward a particular proposal that there exists similarities in Vietnam youth personality and Chinese and western .

  14. 第二部分主要描述越南文化的个性与特点,来说明越南民族在吸收外来文化精华的过程中,也有了自己的特点和创造。

    The second part mainly describes the individual characteristics of Vietnamese culture so as to prove that the Vietnamese nationality has formed its own characteristics and creation in the process of absorbing the cultural quintessence of others .

  15. 由于历史上越南文化与汉文化的密切关系,越南语也受到汉语的极大影响,这种影响主要表现为越南语中有大量汉语借词。

    Since the Vietnamese culture has been closely related to the Chinese culture , the influence of Chinese language on Vietnamese is far-reaching . This kind of influence is mostly indicated by the large number of Chinese-loan-words in Vietnam .

  16. 在交流过程中,有许多语言、文化方面的因素从汉文化和汉语中引进越南文化和越南语(汉越词是最为明显的跨文化痕迹)。

    In the exchange process , there are many factors of language , cultural aspects of the introduction of culture of Vietnam and Vietnamese from Chinese culture and Chinese ( Sino-Vietnamese words is the most obvious traces of cross-cultural ) .

  17. 本论文从动物文化涵义的角度出发,对中越两国的动物文化涵义进行比较研究,旨在探索两国动物文化涵义的异同,揭示动物在两国文化中隐藏的文化信息,让读者更加深入了解越南文化。

    This thesis will make a comparison of the connotation of animal culture between Chinese and Vietnamese with an aim to explore the differences and similarities and to find out the hiding meanings , so as to offer readers a further understanding of the culture of Vietnam .

  18. 越南饮食文化及其结构中的农业烙印

    A Study on Vestiges of Agriculture in Vietnamese Food Culture and Structure

  19. 母神信仰跟越南水稻文化有密切的关系,母神的显身也体现越南人的宇宙观与阴阳哲理。

    Mother Religion in Vietnam is closely related to rice culture , the Apparition of Mother also reflects the Vietnamese world view and philosophy of Yin and Yang .

  20. 喃字是越南古代文化的载体之一,是中越文化交流的结果,是越南民族意识增强与民族文化发展的体现。

    Chu Nom , the carrier of ancient Vietnamese culture , is not only the result of Chinese and Vietnamese cultural exchange but also reflection of the rise of Vietnamese race consciousness and the development of its culture .

  21. 灵龟崇拜是中国和越南传统文化中的悠久性母题,研究这一母题的固态与变异的因素,有助于人们对中国与东南亚民族文化亲缘与涵化模式的理解。

    The faith to supernal tortoise is a motif with a long history in Chinese and Vietnamese traditional culture . Researching its stable and variable factors is conducive to people 's understanding of the cultural kinship and acculturation model between China and Southeast Asian nations .

  22. 中国佛教建筑是影响到越南的中国文化之一。

    Chinese Buddhist architecture is one of the cultural influences of China on Vietnam .

  23. 越南是汉文化圈中与中国关系最特殊、受中国文化影响最深、移植中国文化最多的国家。

    Vietnam has been influenced by the Chinese culture more than any other nation among the Han cultural circle .

  24. 假如不通晓汉字结构,不精通汉文化就无法创作出如此耐人寻味的诗句,这就是中国和越南历代语言文化交融的具体表现。

    Without a good knowledge of Han culture and the structure of Chinese characters , these ballads with rich connotations could not be produced . Thus , this kind of ballads is an embodiment of the cultural and linguistic fusion between China and Vietnam .

  25. 越南是受中国文化影响最深的国家。

    Viet Nam is a country which is most deeply affected by Chinese culture .

  26. 试论中法越南交涉中的文化碰撞

    On Culture Crash in the Sino-French Negotiation

  27. 在汉文化圈中,越南是浸染中国文化最深的国家。

    In the Chinese cultural circle , Vietnam is most affected by the Chinese national culture .

  28. 20世纪越南文学深受西方文化的影响和冲击。

    The Western ideas had a great impact on the Vietnamese literature in the 20 ~ ( th ) century .

  29. 同一时期,新儒家理论也同样在韩国,越南和日本的文化中占据了主导作用。

    Neo-Confucian doctrines also came to play the dominant role in the intellectual life of Korea , Vietnam , and Japan .

  30. 在越南归难侨的文化适应和本土化过程中,政府的倾斜性扶持政策及文化差异这两大因素产生了重大和深刻的影响。

    Two main factors including excessively special aid offered by the government and the cultural difference profoundly impacted the course of their cultural adaptation and relocalization .