
  1. 越南外交部没有回应就新规置评的请求。

    Vietnam 's Foreign Ministry didn 't respond to a request to comment on the new regulations .

  2. 越南外交部否认越南皮鞋制造商以不公平的低价向欧洲运输产品。

    In Vietnam , the Foreign Ministry denied that Vietnamese shoemakers are shipping their products to Europe at unfairly low prices .

  3. 在法庭宣布7月12号将公布结果的两天后,越南外交部措辞严谨称希望这个判决可以为和平的解决争议提供基础。

    In a carefully worded statement two daysafter the court announced July 12 as the verdict date , Vietnam 's foreignministry said it hoped the ruling would provide a basis for peacefullyresolving rows .

  4. 越南外交部亚洲司代司长黎禄进一步具体介绍了越南方面的材料,指出:从历史上看,西沙群岛和南沙群岛早在宋朝时就已经属于中国了。

    Le Loc , Acting Director of the Asian Department of the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry , who was present , specifically cited Vietnamese data and pointed out that , judging from history , these islands were already part of China at the time of the Song Dynasty .