
  • 网络Vietnamese History;History of Vietnam
  1. 摘要中国文化、印度文化、法国文化和美国文化等分别在越南历史上的不同阶段对越南文化发生过程度不同的影响。

    Chinese culture , Indian culture , French culture and American culture , to varying degrees in indifferent stages , have been influencing Vietnamese culture in the history of vietnam .

  2. 越南历史上受中国影响甚深,是古代中华汉文化圈中最为独特的一员。

    By profound influence on Vietnamese history of China , Vietnam is the the most unique one in ancient Chinese Han cultural circle .

  3. 喃字文学是越南历史上曾经出现的一种文学形式,在越南文学史上具有一定的地位。

    Chu Nom literature , a genre that once existed in Vietnamese history , occupies a relatively influential position in the history of Vietnamese literature .

  4. 由于汉越词和越语自身的特点,以及越南历史、地理、文化等方面的原因,汉语在越语术语制定的过程中起来到不可替代的作用。

    Due to the characteristics of the Simo-Viet words and the Vietnamese language , and also the nation 's historical , geographical , and cultural factors , Chinese has played an irreplaceable role in standardizing Vietnamese nomenclature .

  5. 越南河内历史上的关公庙与华侨华人

    The Guan Gong Temple and Overseas Chinese in Ha Noi In Vietnamese history

  6. 越南汉文历史小说深受中国文化的影响。

    Vietnamese historical novels written in Chinese are deeply influenced by Chinese culture .

  7. 但实际上,这一公约会导致更多的纷争,而且并没有阻止中国与越南的历史纷争。

    But in practice , the convention led to more overlapping claims , and did nothing to deter China and Vietnam in pressing their historical claims .

  8. 阮主政权在南方的统治存在了两个世纪之久,在越南的历史上占有重要的地位,对越南的历史产生了重大的影响。

    As the Nguyen regime had governed two century in the south , it played a very important role and had a great impact on in the Vietnamese history .

  9. 绪论部分首先简单介绍了越南的历史地理和社会人文概况,然后比较详细地介绍了越南民族语言的总体面貌,强调指出越南民族和语言的多元一体的性质。

    We provide a brief introduction of history , geography , society , population and a panorama of ethnicities and languages in Vietnam , emphasizing the " Multiple-Origin Unity " characteristics of ethnicities and languages in Vietnam .

  10. 中心主任潘清海(PhanThanhHai)说,由于曾经生活着许许多多的能工巧匠,著名诗人和知识分子,顺化也许是越南最有历史底蕴的城市。

    Phan Thanh Hai , director of the conservation center , said that Hue history may be the most impressive in all of Vietnam because Hue was once the home of many skillful craftsmen , famous poets and intellectuals .

  11. 越南彝族的历史与文化

    The History and Culture of Yi People in Vietnam

  12. 越南华人:历史与贡献

    Vietnamese Citizens of Chinese origin : History and Contributions

  13. 越南传统医学历史、现状及中医药的比较研究

    Cross-cultural Research on the History and Present Status of Traditional VIETNAM and Chinese Medicine

  14. 实际上,越南在其历史文明的演进过程中,早已开始接触和认识海洋,与海洋有了各种联系,海洋文明依附于陆地稻作文明而存在。

    In fact , during the historical and civilized evolvement of Vietnam , it contacted and got to know the sea , and had various relations to the sea .

  15. 但是,由于语言规律以及越南社会、历史、观念、民族心理等种种不同的原因,现代越南语中的汉语词和汉语词本身在语音、语义、语法、语用诸方面有的可能存在些差异。

    However , due to the language rule and Vietnamese society , history , concepts , such as many different ethnic psychology , the reason of modern Chinese and Vietnamese Chinese itself in phonetics , grammar , semantics and pragmatics aspects may exist some differences .

  16. 中心主任潘清海(PhanThanhHai)说,由于曾经生活着“许许多多的能工巧匠,著名诗人和知识分子”,顺化也许是越南“最有历史底蕴的城市”。

    Phan Thanh Hai , director of the conservation center , said that " Hue history may be the most impressive " in all of Vietnam because Hue was once the home of " many skillful craftsmen , famous poets and intellectuals . "

  17. 此次战争是继越南战争之后美国历史上最常的战争。

    Today the war is the second longest in American history , after Vietnam .

  18. 越南文化中的历史情结

    The History Complex in Vietnam 's Culture

  19. 几十年来,占族王朝对越南中部地区的历史影响仍然很明显。

    After decades , the past influence of the Cham Pa dynasty on Vietnam central regions is still prominent .

  20. 越南对中国的历史依据提出了强烈反驳,声称中国在1940年以前从未对这些岛屿宣称过主权。

    Vietnam hotly disputes China 's historical account , saying China had never claimed sovereignty over the islands before the 1940s .

  21. 越南的民间文学历史悠久,内容丰富多彩,是越南早期古代文学的主流和基础。

    As the crystallization of the Vietnamese people 's wisdom , Vietnam 's folklore has a long history and is rich and colorful in its content .

  22. 越南战争是美国历史上最久的一场战争,它历经美国三任总统,肯尼迪、约翰逊和尼克松。

    Vietnam War was the longest war in American history , three presidents : John F. Kennedy , Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon were involved in the war .

  23. 在越南,越南人民历史上由于受到中国对联文化的影响很早就有创作对联的习俗,在越南的寺庙中保存了不少这些方面的对联。

    In Vietnam , people has been historically influenced by Chinese culture , and writing antithetical couplets is a very old custom . Lots of them can be found in Vietnamese temples .

  24. 越南战争是美国历史上耗时最多、争议最多,也是美国第一次战败的一场战争,给美国国民造成了深重的灾难。

    Vietnam War is the longest , the most controversial and the first lost war in the history of the United States of America . It was a disaster to the Americans .

  25. 越南是一个历史悠久的国家,在其漫长的发展过程中,中国文化、印度文化和西方文化都曾不同程度地影响过该国。

    Vietnam is a country with a long history . In the course of its long development , Chinese culture , Indian culture and western culture have all influenced it in various degrees .

  26. 越南南河阮氏政权是越南历史上一个特殊的地方割据政权。

    The Nguyen regime of Nam Ha , Vietnam was a special regional regime in Vietnamese history .

  27. 历时长达四分之一世纪的越南抗美救国战争是越南历史上的重要事件。

    Vietnamese war of resistance against America lasting for 1 / 4 century is the central event in the Vietnamese history .

  28. 科举制度在越南独立后实行了800多年,对越南历史发展产生了深远的影响。

    The imperial examination system ( keju Zhidu ) which lasted for more than 800 years in Vietnam after it became independent had a far-reaching influence on its history .

  29. 当越南盾昨日触及1美元兑19395越南盾的历史新低时,远期衍生品市场的走势显示,在3至6个月内,越南盾汇率将突破20000。

    As the dong touched a record low of 19,395 to the dollar yesterday , forward derivatives implied a break through 20,000 within three to six months .

  30. 中越两国是邻国,由于历史上的特殊关系,即在历史上很长一段时间里,越南都是处在中国的封建统治下或是作为中国的属国而存在,中国人移居越南可谓历史悠久。

    China and Vietnam are neighboring countries . Due to the special relationship in the history , Vietnam had been governed by Chinese feudal rulers or existing as a dependent country . It has been a long history since Chinese migrated to Vietnam .