
  • 网络daredevil
  1. 但是与其他斗篷加身、装备超群的超级英雄相比,超胆侠的能力变得相形见绌。

    But among his other caped and super-suited counterparts , Daredevil 's abilities pale in comparison .

  2. 两年后,两人又合作拍摄了《超胆侠》,渐生情愫。

    Two years later they made Daredevil , their next film together , and a romance began .

  3. 听说过在绝命巨浪上兜风15秒吗?超胆侠MarkMathews在澳大利亚西海岸20千米以外的海域验证了这个传说。

    Sydney daredevil Mark Mathews lived to tell the amazing tale of his15 second joyride on a monster wave in shark infested waters , 20km off the West Australia coast .

  4. 4月10日,超胆侠同名电视剧在Netflix上一经播出,就大获成功、火热程度力压《纸牌屋》。

    The blind hero has become a hit on the small screen recently with self-titled drama series " Daredevil , " which premiered on Netflix on April 10 and has surpassed House of Cards in popularity .

  5. 但是,超胆侠的脆弱却为这部剧带来了一大批忠实的粉丝。

    But it 's this vulnerability that 's brought the show its loyal following .

  6. 虽然我也向往成为那样的超胆侠但我知道我永远做不到

    I would have liked to be a daredevil , too . But I knew I never be upto it .

  7. 李老爷子扮演了一个读报的人,他几乎就要走入闹市之中,但被年轻的马特默多克(超胆侠,斯科特泰拉饰)阻止了。

    Lee plays a man reading a newspaper who nearly walks into a busy street before being stopped by a young Matt Murdock ( Scott Terra ) .

  8. 更虐心的是,几乎在每一集我们都会看到超胆侠被对手打得遍体鳞伤,最后勉强获胜。

    And sadly enough , in almost every episode of the show , we watch as he is badly battered by his opponents before narrowly securing a victory .

  9. 但是,每当夜晚来临,他就会戴上带角头盔、穿上红色制服、全副武装,变身超胆侠,惩恶扬善、为父报仇。他的父亲因为拒绝在拳击比赛中假输而惨遭杀害。

    At night he becomes Daredevil , wearing a red , horned and armored suit to fight crime and avenge his father , who was murdered after refusing to take a loss in a fixed boxing match .

  10. 比如,闪电侠在获得极速超能力前昏迷了整整九个月,而超胆侠付出的比这还要多。

    The Flash , for example , falls into a nine-month coma before getting superhuman speed . But the price Daredevil pays is even bigger .