
  • 网络administrator;supervisor;super administrator;administration
  1. 全局组&由超级管理员或GroupListServer管理员创建。

    Global group & Is created by a super administrator or Group List Server administrator .

  2. 用户特定的组&由用户创建,该用户与超级管理员和GroupListServer管理员共有其管理权限。

    User-specific group & Is created by a user , who then shares administrative permissions with the super administrator and the Group List Server administrator .

  3. 主要管理用户ID:此为超级管理员帐户,仅用于在注册中心中授予“真实用户”所需的必要管理权限。

    A primary administrative user ID : This is the super administrator account that is used only to grant " real users " in the registry , the necessary administrative rights that are needed .

  4. 超级管理员&具有所有域的管理权限。

    Super administrator & Has administrative permissions over all domains .

  5. //将错误报告反馈给超级管理员。

    Similar error report has beed dispatched to administrator before .

  6. 实现超级管理员给其他管理员分配权限的功能。

    Achieve super-administrator privileges to other administrators assigned functions .

  7. 第五部分:超级管理员的网页核心代码设计的介绍。

    Part V : Super Admin page introduction to the core code design .

  8. 如果是超级管理员,还有进行管理员的增加、删除以及系统参数设置的功能。

    The function of add and delete administrators and set system parameters is only for supper administrators .

  9. 策略需要包含一些额外的功能,本地和超级管理员需要实现这些功能以满足特定的部门需求。

    The policy needs to include additional duties that the local and super administrators must perform to suit unique departmental requirements .

  10. 本系统能对图书实行分类管理,并能按客户端登录用户实行三级权限管理:读者、图书管理员和超级管理员。-。

    The system can manage the books into different categories , and according to the implementation of three-tier client login user rights management : Readers , librarians , and super-administrator .

  11. 不同的操作员对本地的程控主机有不同的操作权限,操作权限有软件系统实现由超级管理员实现分配,未经授权的人或单位,都不可以访问本地的程控主机。

    Different operators on the local host of the programmed operations have different permissions , permission to operate a software system to achieve the super administrators to assign , an unauthorized person or entity , not the program-controlled access to the local host .

  12. 图书管理系统有超级管理员、管理员、读者三个类型的用户,系统具备登录/退出、图书管理、借阅管理、读者管理、系统管理、密码管理和留言板等七个方面的功能。

    There are three types users such as supper administrator , administrator and reader in the library management system , it has seven functions such as login / exit , books management , lending management , readers management , system management , password management and message board .

  13. 这意味着,当直接与代理用户进行交互时,企业管理员可以代行超级或本地管理员的职权。

    This means the enterprise administrator can assume the duties of these super and local administrators when dealing directly with the proxy user .

  14. 超级用户、资源管理员、普通用户均拥有不同的权限对本网站平台进行维护、管理和使用。

    Superuser , resources administrator and ordinary users have different permissions for maintenance , management and usage of the website platform .