
  • 网络The Hittites;Hittite
  1. 试析赫梯人进入小亚细亚的途径

    Way of Hittites Entering Asia Minor

  2. 事实上,我们对赫蒂人的所知大部分来自于赫梯人对其文化的广泛采用。

    In fact , most of what we know about the Hattians comes from the widespread adoption of their culture by the Hittites .

  3. 赫梯人的许多大型定居点,诸如阿拉卡·郝予克(AlacaHoyuk)以及哈兹萨(Hattusa),确信最初曾是赫蒂人的。

    Many of the largest Hittite settlements , such as Alaca Hoyuk and Hattusa , are believed to have originally been Hattian .

  4. 可以说,是苏美尔人、巴比伦人、亚述人、赫梯人以及希伯来人共同缔造了古代西亚的民事规范。

    In the ancient Near East , these civil norms were enacted by the Sumerians together with the Old Babylonian , the Assyrian , the Hittite and the Hebrew .

  5. 腓力斯人是《圣经》中提到最为神秘的种族。只有腓力斯人和赫梯人了解钢铁生产技术,标志了铁器时代的开始。《圣经》上说腓力斯人来自迦斐托岛(克里特岛)。

    The Philistines are the most mysterious peoples mentioned in the Bible.Only them and Hittites knew the technology of steel production and they marked the start of the Iron Age.According to the Bible , the Philistines originate from Caphtor Island ( Crete ) .

  6. 大多数考古学家认为,赫蒂人比更为闻名的赫梯人更早存在于这一地区,后者于公元前23世纪来到这里。随着赫蒂人采纳了许多来自赫梯的宗教信仰和实践习惯,两大文明慢慢地融合在了一起。

    Most archaeologists believe that they were indigenous to the area preceding the more famous Hittite civilization , which arrived in the 23rd century B.C. The two cultures slowly merged together , with the Hittites adopting a variety of Hatti religious beliefs and practices .