
  • 网络Frederick Herzberg;hertzberg
  1. 问题32.根据弗洛迪克?赫兹伯格的观点,什么可以激励员工?

    Question 32 : What can actually motivate workers according to Frederick Herzberg ?

  2. 20世纪后期,弗雷德里克•赫兹伯格是这一观点的坚定支持者。

    Frederick Herzberg was the great expounder of this important idea in the latter part of the20th century .

  3. 赫兹伯格双因素激励理论与企业管理

    Motivation and Enterprise Management Based on Tow-factor Theory

  4. 本研究课题,主要涉及的激励理论包括:马斯洛的需要层次论、赫兹伯格的激励-保健理论以及当代激励理论等;

    This subject , motivational theory that involve mainly include : Ma the need level theories of SiLuo ;

  5. 认为良好的劳资关系、愉悦的工作环境、较高的工资和福利待遇、工作安全性好能够激励员工,这是完全符合逻辑的。然而,专家弗洛迪克?赫兹伯格认为这些条件并不能激励员工,只是让员工得到满足的物质条件而已。

    It 's logical to suppose that things like good labor relations , good working conditions , good wages and benefits and job security motivate workers , but one expert , Frederick Herzberg argued that such conditions do not motivate workers .