
chì xiǎn tánɡ chún
  • erythritol
  1. 测定并比较在蔗糖、木糖醇和赤藓糖醇条件下,体外菌斑糖酵解模型产酸液的pH值。

    The pH value of plaque glycolysis model in vitro was measured respectively under the condition of sucrose , xylitol and erythritol . Result : 1 .

  2. 赤藓糖醇(Erythritol)是一种新型多元醇类食品甜味剂,广泛存在于海藻、蘑菇、甜瓜、葡萄和发酵食品中。

    Erythritol is a new polyol food sweetener , widely present in the seaweed , mushrooms , melons , grapes , and fermented foods .

  3. 通过单因素实验,碳源、氮源、无机盐、高浓度NaCl、初始pH值、接种量、温度、发酵时间等因素对赤藓糖醇产量的影响。

    Then fermentation factors such as carbon sources , nitrogen source , inorganic salt , NaCl concentration , initial pH value , inoculums , temperature , and fermentation time were studied by single-factor experiment .

  4. 利用细胞融合技术获得了一株高产赤藓糖醇的融合株RH-UV-L4-F9,其发酵能力强,赤藓糖醇产量高。

    The fusant RH-UV-L4-F9 which attained by cell fusion has high fermenting ability and productivity .

  5. 假丝酵母OS-300菌株在含有30%葡萄糖的高浓度基质中能产三种多元醇:甘油、阿拉伯醇和赤藓糖醇,但是在含18%NaCl的高浓度基质中只产甘油。

    Candida OS-300 was an excellent polylol producer . Glycerol could be produced alone in the medium containing 18 % of NaCl , although the yeast could produce three kinds of polylol : glycerol , arabitol and erythritol in the medium containing 30 % of glucose .

  6. 南极假丝酵母生产脂肪酶发酵条件研究假丝酵母发酵生产赤藓糖醇工艺优化研究

    Studies on Fermentation Process for Lipase Production by Candida antarctica

  7. 以胡萝卜为原料的添加赤藓糖醇功能性饮料的研制

    Study on the function drink of erythritol made of the raw material carrot

  8. 赤藓糖醇和木糖醇对变异链球菌生长和产酸作用的对比研究

    Contrasting study of erythritol and xylitol on Streptococcus mutans

  9. 赤藓糖醇&焙烤食品糖制品新型功能性配料

    Erythritol-a new type of functional bakery and confectionery ingredient

  10. 赤藓糖醇产生菌的筛选丝状真菌β-半乳糖苷酶的研究

    Studies on β - galactosidase produced by filamentous fungi

  11. 微生物发酵法生产赤藓糖醇的研究

    Research on Production of Erythritol by Microbial Fermentation

  12. 耐高渗酵母产赤藓糖醇的影响因素

    Factors Affecting Erythritol Production by An Osmophilic Yeast

  13. 紫外诱变及电融合法构建赤藓糖醇高产菌株的研究米曲霉与黑曲霉原生质体种间电融合杂交育种

    The Study on Constructing a High-producing Erythritol Strain by the Treatment of UV and Electrofusion

  14. 在上述培养条件下,该菌株赤藓糖醇的耗糖转化率高达29.6%。

    In the above conditions , the maximum erythritol yield on fermented glucose was 29.6 % .

  15. 利用赤藓糖醇开发健康糖果

    Using erythritol to make healthy candies

  16. 本文简述了赤藓糖醇的物理化学特征、生理代谢特性、生产及应用情况。

    The character , production methods and the application of Erythritol are introduced in this paper .

  17. 新型甜味剂&赤藓糖醇产生菌的筛选

    Screening of erythritol producing strains

  18. 赤藓糖醇高产菌株的选育及发酵条件的研究赤藓糖醇和木糖醇对变异链球菌生长和产酸作用的对比研究

    Breeding of High-Producing Erythritol Strain and Optimization of Fermentation Condition ; Contrasting study of erythritol and xylitol on Streptococcus mutans

  19. 对流出液进行组分分析,赤藓糖醇占干物质含量为92.48%。

    According to the component analysis of effluent , 92.48 % of dry substance was erythritol , and the impurities were almost removed .

  20. 因此赤藓糖醇可以作为有效的防龋途径加以应用,但具体防龋机制还有待进一步研究。

    So erythritol can be used as a caries-preventing substance , but further researches will be done to define the mechanism of it .

  21. 文章研究采用海带、赤藓糖醇生产低热海带冰淇淋的工艺过程,确定海带粉0.2%和赤藓糖醇6%的最佳用量,该产品不仅营养价值高,风味独特,而且还具有一定的保健作用。

    This paper reports the process of making low calorics kelp ice-cream . The result show that combining ice-cream with 0.2 % kelp powder , 6 % erythritol .

  22. 本研究包括两部分实验:实验一对比赤藓糖醇和木糖醇对变异链球菌黏附作用的影响目的研究赤藓糖醇对变异链球菌黏附的影响。

    This study includes two parts : Part ⅰ: Effects of erythritol and xylitol on adherence of S. mutansObjective : To study effect of erythritol on adherence of S. mutans .

  23. 本研究筛选所得诱变菌的赤藓糖醇产量较出发野生菌种具有较大幅度的提高,有望用于赤藓糖醇的工业化生产。

    High-yield strain was found and the production of erythritol had been improved greatly through this research . And it may be used in the industrial production after futher studies .